Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Bloody Rommates: The Biggest Test These Girls Face Is One to Their Sanity

Four gal pals with dreams of a better life. No. It's not Sex and the City, it's My Bloody Roommates (a.k.a. D-Day), Kim Eun-kyung's K-horror flick about four young ladies sent by demanding parents to a fascist prep school to improve their academic standing and thereby gain access to choice universities. In this sadistic pre-college program, the pressure to perform is great... as is the severity of the hairstyle and disciplinarian methods of the school's hall monitor (Yoon Da-kyeong). Of her charges, the bitchy girl (Yoo Joo-hee) cracks first and hangs herself; the brainy one (Kim Ri-na) gets knocked off her rocker next and starts hallucinating blood; the third girl -- a self-effacing dork (Heo Jin-yong) with a pet hamster named "Happy" -- seems imbalanced from the start so her going off the deep end is inevitable. The one survivor (Eun-seong), who is neither bitchy nor bright, neither bold nor bonkers, ends up with a leopard print scar on her face, a pair of sensible shoes, and a fairly interesting story to tell at cocktail parties should she get invited to any. I'd toast her resilience. (This movie is part of 4 Horror Tales, a series of fright flicks that also includes The Curse of February 29th, Forbidden Floor and Dark Forest of Death.)

Paradise Villa: Piling Up Bodies on the Cheap

"Cheap" can mean quite a few things -- inexpensive, shoddy, ashamed, even mean -- and Paradise Villa, the low-budget slasher flick from director Park Chong-won, certainly takes on every definition. Shot in washed-out video and set in a run-of-the-mill apartment building where lights flicker on and off, the movie certainly looks cheap. It feels cheap too with its meaningless dialogue leading to gratuitous nudity or soft core sex nearly as often as explosions of violence. There's something mean (i.e., cheap) about the violence itself, too. The sick-o psycho (Jo Han-jun), who's bloodying room after room, is a dubiously distressed video gamer who sees every tenant as an uncooperative gaming competitor. Since no one knows what he's talking about, he slays them. Not that these neighbors would be safe if he'd never arrived. There's murder and mayhem throughout the complex with the coitus-interruptus killing of the landlord by a man who's having an affair with his mistress, and the bottle-smashing head-bashing of a soccer fan who won't stop singing when the power goes out. It's worth adding that "cheap" can be fun when it's this unashamedly tawdry. For me, watching Paradise Villa was time well-spent.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Soo: People Who Look Alike Have the Same Kind of Trouble

Twins in a thriller is a lazy conceit. Well, a half-hearted thanks then to Soo, a movie which has the decency to introduce the lookalikes early on then kill one off fairly quickly. No, the uncanny resemblance in this Sai Yoichi crime pic doesn't play out as a case of mistaken identity but instead as a case of an assumed one. You see Brother A (Ji Jin-hee) has decided that the best way to track down the killer of Brother B is to impersonate the murdered sibling (same actor, of course). For A to pass as B completely, he gets a new haircut (a salon-caliber home-job) and a fresh, cool scar sliced into his chin. The corpse's not-so-helpful girlfriend (Kang Seong-yeon) knows this new guy's an impostor but she's willing to move in with him, hoping to have sex with him, and seeking to pick up where the last relationship left off. Why complain that you've lost your boyfriend if a facsimile shows up at the police prefecture where you both work? Plus, he's three seconds faster at running the 100-yard dash and can defend himself with a can of hairspray and a lighter. This guy rips off ears and tears out eyeballs. That's how tough he is! As for his victims, they all go down with the same scream whether they're being stabbed or strangled or shot or all of the above.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

We Got Married (Variety Show : 2008-2010)

Genre :    Reality, variety
Executive producer(s) :    임정아 Im Jeong Ah
Producer(s)  :    전성호 Jeon Seong Ho
Running time  :    60-100 minutes per episode
Original channel :    MBC
Original run :    March 16, 2008 – present

We Got Married adalah salah satu acara Variety Show favorit di korea dan luar korea termasuk indonesia. Acara we got married ini menceritakan mengenai pasangan selebritis yang dipasangkan oleh staff WGM untuk menjadi sepasang suami istri dan hidup layaknya pasangan yang telah menikah. Dan paangan-pasangan itu sebernya bukanlah sepasang kekasih, malah mungkin ada yang tidak saling mengenal.

Ngga cuma hidup sebagai suami istri dalam satu rumah tapi juga terkadang mereka mendapat "mission card" yang berisi misi yang harus mereka jalankan. Tapi jangan ngebayangin misinya itu misi yang susah melainkan misi yang simpel tapi menarik seperti misalnya housewarming party, couple vacation, meeting the families, dll.

Serunya nonton acara ini tuh kita jadi bisa ngeliat perkembangan hubungan mereka yang awalnya mungkin agak canggung namun lama-kelamaan jadi akrab bahkan benar-benar terlihat seperti sepasang suami istri beneran yang terkadang diselingin oleh pertengkaran-pertengkaran atau kejutan-kejutan yang dilakukan pasangan tersebut. Inget, dalam kenyataanya mereka itu sama sekali bukan sepasang kekasih apalagi suami istri.

Oiya, kita juga ga cuma bisa ngeliat kehidupan pernikahan mereka tapi juga bisa tahu perasaan mereka karena sesekali diselingi oleh wawancara artis tersebut mengenai perasaannya saat itu.

Season 1 (2008-2009)

 Di awal episode WGM season 1 ini terdapat 4 pasangan yaitu Andi & Solbi, Inyoung & Crown J, Alex & Shinae, Saori & Hyungdon. Tapi pasangan Saori & Hyungdon cuma bertahan sampe 8 eps dan digantikan olah pasangan Hyunjoong & Hwangbo.

Awalnya pada setiap episode semua couple diundang ke studio bersama MC dan menonton adegan mereka. Namun pasangan yang datang ke studio mulai berkurang, mungkin karena kesibukan masing-masing. Pasangan-pasangan di WGM juga perlahan mulai berkurang dan digantikan pasangan berikutnya.

Rating We Got Married season 1 saat itu mulai turun semenjak 4 pasangan itu tidak ada, apalagi saat itu We Got Married sedang bersaing dengan Family outing yang rating acaranya lebih tinggi.

Ini dia pasangan-pasangan di We Got Married Season 1.
    * Alex & Shin Ae (Ep 1-8, 13-34), as AlShin/Romantic couple
    * Crown J & Seo In Young (Ep 1-41), as Ant couple
    * Andy & Solbi (Ep 1-28), as AnBi/AnSol couple
    * Jung Hyung Don & Saori (Ep 1-8)
    * Lee Hwi Jae & Jo Yeo Jeong (Ep 9-17), as LeeJo couple
    * Kim Hyun Joong & Hwangbo (Ep 9-38), as Lettuce/JoongBo couple
    * Hwanhee & Hwayobi (Ep 25, 29-44), as HwanYobi couple
    * Marco & Son Dam Bi (Ep 25, 29-44), as MarBi/Killer couple
    * Choi Jin Young & Lee Hyun Ji (Ep 25)
    * Kangin & Lee Yoon Ji (Ep 39-55) as Acorn Jelly/KangJi couple
    * Jung Hyung Don & Tae Yeon (Ep 42-54), as DoTa couple
    * Jun Jin & Lee Si Young (Ep 42, 45-55), as Gundam couple
    * Shin Sung Rok & Kim Shin Young (Ep 42, 45-54), as Kkung Kkung couple

Season 2 (2009-2010)

Awalnya konsep WGM season 2 berubah dari season 1 yaitu menjadikan pasangan yang dalam kenyataannya mereka benar-benar sepasang kekasih. Sepert pasangan Kim Yong Jun & Hwang Jung Eum dan Park Jae Jung & Uee. 2 pasangan ini memang beneran pasangan selebritis korea. Namun pada akhirnya WGM kembali ke konsep awal yaitu menggunakan fake couple atau pasangan palsu. Tapi pinternya, artis-artis yang mereka gunakan dalam WGM season 2 ini semuanya dari para personil boyband n girlband karena emang sekarang boyband n girlband lagi naik daun. Ini dia pasangan-pasangan yang ada di WGM season 2 :

    * Kim Yong Jun & Hwang Jung Eum (Ep 56-86)
    * Park Jae Jung & Uee (Ep 67-86)
    * Jo Kwon & Ga-In (Ep 76-present)
    * Lee Seok Hun & Kim Na Young (Ep 76)
    * Lee Sun Ho & Hwangwoo Seul Hye (ep 87-97)
    * Jung Yong Hwa & Seohyun (ep 95-present)
    * Nichkhun & Victoria (ep 107-present)


I Did Wrong - 2AM

 Song : I Did Wrong 
Artists : 2AM 
Album : 1st Mini Album (Repackaged)
Release Date: March 18, 2010 
Language: Korean 
Record Label: Big Hit Entertainment

Mungkin udah banyak yang tahu tentang 2AM, tapi walau gitu ga ada salahnya dong kalo sebelumnya aku mau memperkenalkan mereka lebih dulu. 2AM itu boyband yang punya 4 personil yaitu Jokwon, SeulOng,JinWoon, n Changmin. Aku suka mereka karena lagunya kebanyakan type ballad song gitu n suara mereka bagus-bagus semua kalo. Alasan lain aku suka mereka selain karena lagu n suaranya juga karena aku sering banget liat mereka di variety show terutama di We got married. Ternyata aslinya mereka orangnya lucu-lucu. Dan kalo disuruh milih antara mereka berempat aku milih Seulong. Alasannya? ga tau suka aja, terutama ma suaranya.

Cukup perkenalannya, sekarang kita bahas lagunya. Aku milih lagu I did Wrong karena aku suka banget ma MV lagu ini dan liriknya. Kalo berdasarkan liriknya lagu ini menceritakan tentang Cowok yang jatuh cinta ma seorang cewek tapi cewek itu sepertinya playgirl. Cewek itu sering ngebohongin tuh cowok tapi cowok itu ga sadar. Sebenernya tuh cowok udah sering denger cerita tentang cewek ini yang mempunyai cowok lain dan kebiasaan jeleknya, namun karena cowok lebih memilih tidak mempercayai cerita itu dan tak menghiraukannya. Terkadang si cowok juga ga suka dengan kebiasaanya saat mabuk dan caranya tersenyum pada temen si cowok. Cowok ini sering ngasih tau tuh cewek untuk menghentikan kebiasaan itu dan mengubahnya. Dan si cewek pada saat seperti itu akan bilang "i'm sorry" dan berkata akan mengubah kebiasaanya. Tapi tetap saja diulangi kembali. Dan si cowok selalu termakan oleh kata-kata si cewek yang manis. Si cowok berkali-kali disakiti ma si cewek pada akhirnya ia akan tetap kembali pada si cewek. Kesimpulannya si cowok tahu kalo ia telah bersalah. Bersalah karena ia terlalu mencintai cewek itu.

Bagus kan ceritanya? Jadi pengen deh disukain sama cowok seperti itu, apalagi kalo cowoknya Seulong, hehe... jadi ngayal...

Sekarang aku mau cerita tentang MVnya. Cerita MVnya berbeda dari cerita lagunya. Di MVnya dibuat agak drama dan temanya lebih ke arah persahabatan. Tapi menurutku cocok juga MV ma lagunya. Begini ceritanya. Ceritanya di MV ini personil 2AM itu masih sekolah. Masing-masing personil 2AM ini adalah type penyendiri. Seulong type cowok jalanan yang hobinya ngebut-ngebutan dengan motornya. Changmin adalah seorang pemain hoki yang pemarah sehingga ia dijauhi oleh teman-teman 1 tim nya. Jinwoon adalah pemain basket yang lebih suka sendirian daripada main sama teman-teman timnya. Jokwon adalah seorang DJ di suatu club malam dan lebih suka mendengakan musik dari headphonenya dari pada bergabung bersama teman yang lain. Dan mereka berempat adalah teman sekelas.

Suatu hari di kelas mereka kedatangan seorang siswi pindahan bernama Sohyun. Sohyun dan 4 orang anggota 2AM itu sebenernya dulunya adalah teman semasa kecil. Sohyun dulu harus pindah sehingga mereka berpisah dan kini ia kembali lagi. Sohyun mulai mendekati 4 orang itu satu persatu dan bermain bersamanya. Seulong,Changmin,Jinwoon, dan Jokwon yang tadinya selalu sendirian kini mulai bisa tersenyum kembali ketika bersama Sohyun. Namun karena masing-masing dari mereka menyukai Sohyun menyebabkan mereka berempat berkelahi dan itu hal itu membuat Sohyun marah dan sedih sampai akhirnya Sohyun tiba-tiba jatuh pingsan dan dibawa ke rumah sakit.

Mereka berempat bersama orang tua Sohyun menunggu di depan ruang ICU. Orang tua Sohyun bercerita pada mereka bahwa sebenernya Sohyun mempunyai penyakit Kanker yang cukup parah. Dan keinginan terbesarnya adalah kembali bersekolah bersama Seulong,Changmin Jinwoon, dan Jokwon dan bermain bersama seperti dulu. Makanya demi memenuhi permintaan Sohyun, orang tua nya memasukkan ke sekolah yang sama dengan keempat orang itu. Mendengar hal itu, tentu saja mereka semua sedih.

Ketika Seulong, Changmin, Jinwoon dan Jokwon sedang berada dikelas, mereka semua mendapat sms dari Sohyun yang sedang berada di rumah sakit. Isi sms itu menyuruh mereka datang ke rumah sakit. Ketika mereka semua sampai di rumah sakit, Sohyun mengajak 4 orang itu untuk diam-diam membawanya keluar dari rumah sakit. Setelah berhasil keluar, mereka berlima bermain dengan sangat gembira. Dan saat itu merupakan saat terakhir mereka bersama Sohyun.

Sejak kepergian Sohyun, mereka berempat kembali berteman. Tidak hanya itu, sifat mereka pun mulai berubah yang tadinya lebih suka menyendiri kini mulai bisa bergabung dengan teman-temannya yang lain. Contohnya Changmin yang kembali bermain hoki dengan teamnya dan Jinwoon yang mulai menyukai bermain basket bersama temannya yang lain.

Bagus juga kan cerita MVnya? Makanya segera nonton dan denger ya.......

I Did Wrong lyrics

Naega jal jal jalmotaesseo
Ni mari dal dal dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal mal malloman
Nal nal nallo nal gatgo noneun geol mollasseo

Baby, do you really wanna hurt me?
Why are you doin' this to me?

Neoui dareun namjadeul yaegi
An jodaneun haengsildeul yaegi
Moreuneun cheok mot deureun cheok
Neomeoga boryeogo haebwado

Ja kku chigeundaneun sulbeoreut
Nae chingu ege jitneun useum
Gochirago keumanha rago
Amuri neo ege malhaedo

Mi anhaedaneun mareun da keu ttaeppun
Byeonha getdaneun maldo da keu ttaeppun
Nae gaseum apa apa apeun geol almyeonseodo
Jakkuman banbokdoeneun geol

Naega jal jal jalmotaesseo
Ni mari dal dal dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal mal malloman nal nal nallo nal
Gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
Baby you're breaking my heart.
Baby you're hurting my heart.
Keumandugo shipeunde jalmot doen geol aneunde dasi ni gyeote doraga

Baby you and I ssaguryeo yuhaengga sokeuron uneunde eokjiro utneun gwangdae
Baby you and I ssaguryeo yuhaengga sokeuron uneunde

Mi anhaedaneun mareun da keu ttaeppun
Byeonha getdaneun maldo da keu ttaeppun
Nae gaseum apa apa apeun geol almyeonseodo
Jakkuman banbokdoeneun geol

Naega jal jal jalmotaesseo
Ni mari dal dal dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal mal malloman nal nal nallo nal
Gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
Baby you're breaking my heart.
Baby you're hurting my heart.
Keumandugo shipeunde jalmot doen geol aneunde dasi ni gyeote doraga

Ppikkeudeok eotnagan naemomgwa mam jajonsimdo eopneun babora nan
Sarange sokgodo nunmureul dakkgo ireom andoeneunde negero ga
Niga nolda beorin jangnangam iran sasire kibuni cham nangam
Geundae wae wae wae wae nan oneuldo ni apeseo utneun gwangdae

Naega jal jal jalmotaesseo
Ni mari dal dal dalkomhaeseo
Maennal mal mal malloman nal nal nallo nal
Gatgo noneun geol mollasseo
Baby you're breaking my heart.
Baby you're hurting my heart.
Keumandugo shipeunde jalmot doen geol aneunde dasi ni gyeote doraga


I was wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn't realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday

Baby do you really wanna hurt me?
Why are you doing this to me? why?

The stories regarding your other men
The stories regarding your behavior
I tried to ignore and pretended that I didn't hear but

The way you act when you are intoxicated
The way you smile at my friend
Change it Stop it
Even though I tell you many times

* You say I'm so sorry only for that moment
You say I will change only for that moment
My heart in pa, pa, pain it hurts but
I can't help but repeating

# I was wrong wrong wrong
Your words were so, so, so sweet that
I didn't realize you were playing me, me, me
with your words, words, words everyday
Baby you breaking my heart
Baby you hurting my heart
I want to stop this
I know this is wrong
but I keep going back to you

Baby you and I
Like a bad popular song
I'm crying inside, but I force a smile like a clown
Baby you and I
Like a bad popular song
I'm crying inside

Repeat *#

My heart and body go astray
I am a such fool with no pride that
Although I was deceived by love I wipe my tears
and just go back to you knowing that this is wrong
The fact that I am a toy that you played and threw away
Makes my feeling unbearable
But Why! Why! Why! Why!
Today I am a clown who smiles in front of you again

Repeat #

Translation by: EyesOnFire11

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Black House: A Contract With the Devil

Tonight, I'll probably have nightmares. That's what happens when you watch a stomach-turning thriller like Shin Terra's Black House over a bowl of Raisin Bran in the morning. You may think you have a whole day ahead of you to forget about the stabbings and the dismemberments, but this freaky little film about a female psychopath (Yu Seon) and the busybody insurance agent (Hwang Jeong-min) who foolishly gets between her and her money is, in a nutshell, unforgettable. In many ways, Black House is a Korean variation on Silence of the Lambs, a suspense-horror hybrid in which a serial killer is being pursued by someone who's got a few issues of his/her own. The fact that here "the good guy" is a bespectacled, chapped-lipped claims processor instead of an inexperienced-but-attractive FBI Agent is actually all to the good of the movie because it makes the hero a little less sympathetic and the conflict a lot more problematic. He may be working for justice, but he's also a tool of the machine. She may be incapable of feeling remorse, but she's also hardly living the high life and she's stuck with a limp. As the killer kook, Yu turns in one of those bone-chilling performances in which the eyes become the gateway to no soul. She's so riveting, you almost want her to win or at least luck out with parole.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jeon Woochi: The Taoist Wizard: When Life Gives You Lemons, Paint a Cool Still Life

When life gets you down, go to the movies. If you're lucky, you'll see smart escapist fare like Choi Dong-hun's Woochi and be reminded that existence is an adventure and many worlds reside in this world -- not just the oppressive one that's put you in a funk. Woochi is cinema as anti-depressant, a preposterous, uplifting fantasy about a baby-faced wizard (Kang Dong-won) who fights a rodent-faced gremlin (Kim Yun-seok) in order to protect a wooden recorder that accords its possessor universal control. As the battle between good and evil rages on, this action-adventure shuttles between opposing realities -- medieval days and modern ones, dreamscapes and nightmares -- all of them magical. Are we living in a classical watercolor, a poster for an energy drink, an elliptical eternity, a video game? Blink your eyes and whatever it was that you were living in will be gone as something disorientingly new takes its place. And since your surroundings are so unstable, follow Woochi's lead and surround yourself with cool people like a trusty sidekick who's really a dog in human form (Yu Hae-jin) and a pretty damsel-in-distress (Lim Su-jeong) who's actually a reincarnated former flame. Yes, you'll still have to deal with pesky evil spirits and unreliable gods, but at least you'll be with your friends!