Most year-end "best of" lists reflect the vibe of the year. Not this one. My top ten is composed of Korean movies seen this year regardless of release date, and because of that, reflects my own current preoccupations more than the world at large. The common thread this time? Revenge. In short: If you crossed me in 2010, watch out in 2011.
1. Jeon Woochi: The Taoist Wizard (2009): Fantasy isn't generally my cup of tea but Choi Dong-hun's sorcerer's tale about righting wrongs is a bubbly glass of champagne. The director's crime pic Tazza: The High Rollers almost made my list but ended up in the eleventh slot.
2. Barking Dogs Never Bite (2000): Bong Joon-ho's portrait of a bitter, vengeful, petty academic (Lee Sung-jae) is evidence that genius is apparent at the start of some careers. (Bong's first film also memorably features Bae Du-na whom he cast later in The Host.)
3. A Frozen Flower (2008): Not for those who blush easily, Yu Ha's sexed-up melodrama finds King (Ju Jin-mo) and Queen (Song Ji-hyo) feuding over Hot Bodyguard (Jo In-seong). Many scenes with humping. Many scenes with suspense.
4. Secret Sunshine (2007): This character portrait by Lee Chang-dong isn't as good as his Oasis but what is, really? The movie concerns a woman who loses her son then spirals into an evangelical Christian support system that's a bit troubling. This time, don't praise Jesus. Praise Lee.
5. Old Partner (2008): The one documentary on this year's list tells the story of a very old farmer and his very old ox. Very moving. If you think animals are people in a way, you'll love it.
6. Antique Bakery (2008): This one looks like it's going to be a lighthearted gay romantic comedy but ends up a murder mystery in which the gay man isn't the victim or the killer. He's simply a patissier with demonic powers of attraction. Now that's novel!
7. Arahan: Urban Martial Arts Action (2004): Usually my guilty pleasures go in the number nine or ten slot but this action pic -- basically The Tao according to Marvel Comics -- is so adorkable I couldn't demote it further than seven.
8. Black House (2007): This horror flick creeped me out big time. As a female Hannibal Lecter, Yu Seon gives a performance to send shivers up your spine. As the male Jodie Foster seeking justice, actor Hwang Jeong-min is somewhat unlikable which makes the conflict even more interesting.
9. The Secret Reunion (2010): The one film actually from 2010 is also a major blockbuster and stars Song Kang-ho (who also gives a memorable performance in Secret Sunshine) and Kang Dong-won (who's even better in Jeon Woochi).
10. Green Fish (1997): Another really polished work from Lee Chang-dong (see slot 4), this directorial debut is most notable for the exceptional performances by Han Suk-kyu (as a late-blooming thug) and Shim Hye-jin (as a down-on-her-luck-forever nightclub singer).
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Green Fish: You Need to Go Down to Get Deep

The loss of innocence is so upsetting sometimes. Even if you factor in that innocence and adulthood are pretty much incompatible, watching a late-bloomer fall from grace can make for a painful viewing experience. And coming-of-age only gets crueler the older you get. In Lee Chang-dong's masterful first film The Green Fish, the naif about to lose it all is earnest 26-year-old Makdong (Han Suk-kyu). He's a poor, eager-to-please guy who, recently discharged from the army, ends up working for ruthless mobster Bae Tae-kon (Mun Seong-kun) after one unlucky circumstance. Bae's girlfriend Mi-ae (Shim Hye-jin), for her part, is about as far from innocence as you can get. Pimped out by her boyfriend when she's not being harassed by customers who ridicule her nightclub act, she knows she's sinking more and more deeply into the mire but she can't find a way out. She's drawn to Makdong not because he's cute but because he's the least corrupt thing she's seen in God knows how long. He'll never be the life preserver he and she wishes he could be; the few times he tries, he proves a terrible protector since he's adhering to a school boy code in a roomful of truants. But their love is inevitable. Just as their future is doomed.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Secret Reunion: How Our Tastes Are So Predictable and Distressing

Going into Jang Hun's blockbuster spy-caper The Secret Reunion, we pretty much already know that we're going to side with South Korea over North Korea, actor Song Kang-ho over co-star Kang Dong-won, and being true to your friend over being true to your country. But what's nice about this movie is that, for each decision you make between two obvious choices, you end up liking what you didn't pick as well. After all, if this movie is to be believed, Pyongyang's military academies are training single assassins capable of outwitting entire police forces (pretty cool); Kang is, against the odds, delivering a winning performance that's equal parts withdrawn hipster and anxious weirdo (also cool); and the fanatical political hit man operating under the name of "The Shadow" (Jeon Gook-hwan) is plain cool no doubt about it. A few hours after the movie, you may momentarily lose your cool should you question your knee-jerk reactions. I mean, do your sympathies really lie with a hot-headed, profiteering divorcé who tracks down foreign mail-order brides then returns them to unattractive, working class husbands who may beat them? Uh. Yes. You do. The Secret Reunion isn't out to radicalize your way of thinking. It's out to entertain you despite your disturbing predilections. So uncool!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Mary Stayed Out All Night (Drama - 2010)
- Title: 매리는 외박중 / Maerineun Oebakjoong
- Also known as: Marry Me, Mary!
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 16
- Broadcast network: KBS2
- Broadcast period: 2010-Nov-08 to 2010-Dec-28
- Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
- Moon Geun Young as Wi Mae Ri
- Jang Geun Suk as Kang Moo Kyul
- Kim Jae Wook as Byun Jung In
- Kim Hyo Jin as Seo Joon
Ini dia nih korama yang banyak ditunggu khususnya bagi para penggemar Jang Geun Suk dan Moon Geun Young. Apalagi dua orang ini dulunya pernah digosipin pacaran. Dan lagi-lagi Jang Geun Suk main di drama yang ga jauh-jauh dari musik. Sebut ja Doremifasolasido, Beethoven Virus, You're Beautiful, dan sekarang Marry Stay All Night. Mau tahu ceritanya? ini dia...
Kalo ditanya siapa cewek yang hidupnya paling kasihan? mungkin jawabannya adalah Wi Mae Ri. Wi Mae Ri adalah seorang gadis 24 tahun yang sudah kehilangan ibunya pada usia 4 tahun. Sejak itu ia harus hidup bersama ayahnya yang selalu saja membuat masalah. Ayahnya mempunyai hutang dimana-mana sehingga sering dikejar oleh para rentenir. Dan sering kali Wi Mae Ri harus berbohong dan berakting untuk melindungi ayahnya. Ia juga harus putus kuliahnya karena tidak punya biaya. Tapi walau hidupnya berat, jangan ngebayangin bahwa Mae Ri adalah gadis lemah yang sering menangis dan meratapi nasibnya. Bahkan sebaliknya, ia adalah gadis ceria yang selalu positif thinking. Dan ia juga seorang gadis pekerja keras yang mampu bekerja apa saja demi hidupnya.
Suatu hari Wi Mae Ri harus mengendarai mobil temannya karena temannya sedang mabuk. Dan tiba-tiba saja tanpa sengaja ia menabrak seorang pemuda. Pemuda yang ditabrak itu adalah Moo Kyul. Seorang pemain band pada sebuah club. Moo Kyul yang merasa baik-baik saja lalu pergi meninggalkan Wi Mae Ri. Tapi Wi Mae Ri takut kalau diam-diam cowok itu bakal melaporkan Mae Ri ke kantor polisi dan meminta ganti rugi. Makannya Mae Ri mengikuti Moo Kyul kemanapun cowok itu pergi dan meminta Moo Kyul menandatangani surat kesepakatan yang isinya bahwa Moo Kyul tidak akan menuntut apapun darinya. Begitulah pertemua pertama Moo Kyul dan Mae Ri.
Sekarang kita beralih ke masalah lain yang menimpa Mae Ri. Mae Ri dijodohkan oleh ayahnya. Ayah Mae Ri ingin Mae Ri menikah dengan anak sahabatnya karena memang dulu mereka berdua pernah sepakat. Mae Ri yang tidak mau dipaksa menikah akhirnya mencoba kabur dari rumah. Ia menemui Moo Kyul yang saat itu sedang bersama teman-temannya. Setelah menceritakan semua masalahnya pada teman-temannya akhirnya mereka mendapa ide agar Mae Ri pura-pura menikah dengan Moo Kyul agar Ayahnya menghentikan niatnya untuk menjodohkan Mae Ri. Mereka pun langsung berangkat ke studio foto untuk melakukan foto pernikahan dan foto itu di perlihatkan oleh Mae Ri pada Ayahnya.
Ternyata Ayahnya tidak segampang itu menyerah. Ia malah sudah mendaftarkan nama Wi Mae Ri dan Byun Jung In (calon pasangan Mae Ri yang dijodohkan oleh Ayahnya) sebagai pasangan yang telah menikah. Akhirnya mereka semua membuat kesepakatan yang isinya selama 100 hari Wi Mae Ri harus membagi waktunya dengan Jung In dan Moo Kyul. Dari pagi sampai sore ia harus bersama Jung In dan dari sore sampe malam Jam 22.00 bersama Moo kyul dan setelah itu beru pulang ke rumah. Dan setelah 100 hari Mae Ri harus memutuskan ingin bersama dengan siapa.
Terus akhirnya Mae Ri milih siapa ya? Palagi dipertengahan Mae Ri mengetahui bahwa ternyata Mae Ri dan Jung In pernah bersama dimasa lalu, Mereka adalah teman semasa kecil. Mending nonton aja deh, hehe....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Blue: Bromance, Romance, Adventure, Dud

Shin Hyeon-jun must have one of the most unconventionally fetching faces in Korean cinema. With his humped nose and goofy grin, he's not anyone's idea of "typical leading man." Yet despite his oddly attractive oddball looks, once you've considered his resume -- The Legend of the Shadowless Sword, Marrying the Mafia II and III, and Face -- he suddenly seems like the face that launched a thousand (uneven) films. He can't save a movie, no, but he can steer it, and if it sinks, survive it. Until Blue. Director Lee Jeong-kuk's soggy submarine drama is that exceptional instance in which Shin goes down with the ship. His slapstick-y shtick holds charm neither in the rocky bromance with his less attractive co-star (Kim Yeong-ho) nor in the doomed romance with their shared love interest (Shin Eun-Kyung). Did Shin mistakenly think that looking handsome in a naval uniform on land and without a shirt while underwater would have us forgiving a movie that lacks a well-dressed plot? If so, he was wrong. And our wandering eyes instead have drifted over to Park Sun-il (the immature loud-mouthed cadet) and Ryu Su-yeong (the psychotic soldier). At this boot camp for deep sea rescue missions, any actor who thinks he can float by looking cute is about to get a cold splash in the face.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Housemaid: Cheating on Your Wife Means Gambling With Your Life

Checking references for a potential domestic hire? If the candidate's name is Myong-ja (Lee Eun-shim), be sure to talk with her former boyfriend as well as her recent employers. This girl's got serious jealousy issues! In Kim Ki-young's kooky melodrama The Housemaid, all hell breaks loose when this saucy servant starts cooking and cleaning... then screwing the master-of-the-house -- a music teacher named Dong Sik (Kim Jin-kyu) who leads a women's choir at the local factory. What's the best way to deal with her irrational behavior? Try to kill her off with the same rat poison she used to kill your bratty son (Ahn Sung-kee) and you'll end up like Dong's wife (Ju Jeung-nyeo ): a slave to her sewing machine and Myong-ja! Try to defuse her when she explodes and you'll end up like Miss Cho (Eom Aeng-ran): at the wrong end of a very long knife! Whatever you do, don't continue to sleep with her!!! In this movie's crazed reality, Dong Sik's last-ditch attempt to get away leads to his loony lover being latched on to his ankle and bumping her head against every stair along his failed escape. As black-and-white middle-class tragedies go, this one is campy, corny and not too credible.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Take Care of My Cat: Celluar Disintegration Comes After High School

Oh my God! Ji-young (Ok Ji-young) has the most depressing life ever! She can't find a job. She lives in a ramshackle hut in the slums of Inchon with her grandparents because her parents are both dead. And she's given herself a home-job hair-do that's just one strand shy of heroin addict. When the tin hut in which she's been living collapses and kills what little is left of her family, you're almost glad she ends up in a juvenile detention center. At least, someone is taking care of her and preventing more fashion faux pas. Actually, she's not completely alone even after she ends up on the inside. Her classmate Tae-hee (Bae Du-na) is a bit of a drifter too who, as she's looking for a way out of conventional middle class existence, sees Ji-young as a kindred spirit with whom she can bond. While Take Care of My Cat never ends up as a lesbian coming-of-age story (That one would have a racier variation of the title!), Jeong Jae-un's cell-phone driven movie is poignant nonetheless. As to the titular cat, it's actually a kitten who gets passed among these two ladies and three fellow recent high school graduates: a corporate cog named Hye-ju (Lee Yu-won) and twins Bi-ryu (Lee Eung-sil) and Ohn-jo (Lee Eung-ju) who have a street vending business for cheap jewelry. Caveat emptor.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hidden Floor: Welcome to Your New Home... Time to Meet the Dead Neighbors!

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saulabi: I Only Regret That I Have But One Head to Get Decapitated for My Country

According to legend though refuted by Wikipedia, the "saulabi" is the Korean antecedent of the Japanese samurai. Fact or fiction, this continental counterpart to Japan's noble warrior comes with an identical code of honor demanding duty, loyalty, and -- if the movie that bears its name is any indication -- a great deal of patience, too. A clunky recounting of yet another war of independence in which a ragtag group of Korean underdogs must overpower a larger group of tyrannical Japanese, this martial arts costume drama celebrates, in particular, the revolutionary diligence of expatriate Woo-do (Sang Hyun-lee) who must work for decades at forging a sword so powerful that it will cut through steel. Once he's done that, he knows (as does everyone around him) that victory will be assured. But until then, heads will roll because even blades that can't cut through steel nevertheless can cut through the vertebrae that connects the head to the torso. While pursuing his career-making goal as a sword smith, Woo-do makes a little time for play and ends up bedding local girl Osame (Uenemya Masako) who, lucky for him, will do anything to learn how to play the Gayageum -- basically a zither. For some girls, mastering the Koto just isn't enough.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
This Is Law: Some Days, Blood Red Can Be a Pretty Color

The beginning of This Is Law moves at such a clip, that you fear the movie's murderer is going to go through an entire Tarot deck since he's leaving bloodied cards at each and every one of his kills. But is he even one killer? And when he stops leaving cards, what does that signify? Whoever is doing it and for whatever reason, Homicide Detective Bong (Lim Won-hie) is out to find out before his rival Pyo (Kim Min-jong) from the Special Task Force does. While he's at it, Bong's going to win the affections of his competing officer's partner Kang (Shin Eun-kyung), too. Where's there's time for crime, there's time for romance, I say. Predictable? On paper, yes. But running a sprawling two-and-a-half hours with random quick edits, evaporating subplots, and periodic misdirects that sometimes inexplicably entertain, you'll probably forget which way Min Byeong-jin's crime pic is inevitably headed. Then once you finally get there, you'll be doing double-takes at your television. Really? Is this how it all wraps up? Flashy without being the least bit artful, This Is Law is a souvenir of Korean cinema. It's shiny and made from the basest materials and like most trinkets, it's perfectly harmless. Watch it. Discard it. Pass on to a friend.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Asian Queer Shorts: Neither Asian Enough, Nor Queer Enough, Nor Short Enough

Looking to get a glimpse of gay culture in various Asian countries? Then look elsewhere. This compilation, called Asian Queer Shorts, is neither very good nor strictly from Asia. One featurette (Yellow Fever) concerns a Brit of Chinese descent who must overcome his internalized racism to forge a relationship with his adorable neighbor downstairs; another (Dissolution of Bodies) concerns two hot Asian guys rolling around in an American bed while discussing Foucault and Bataille as foreplay. Talk about a softening effect! A third entry (Still) is a rootless silent that speaks to the notion that sexy guys in wifebeaters look yummy no matter what their nationality. As to the two other flicks, which actually reflect gay culture in Asia, the first is a fairly chaste piece about a man-boy romance (Last Full Show) that develops at a cruisey movie theater in the Philippines while the other (A Crimson Mark) is a Korean pageant drama in which robed men testily argue about what the proper length of time is for the queen mother to stay in mourning, while a splinter group of two generate a royal hickey. The only cockfighting in this collection takes place between two roosters in a short scene in the Filipino flick. The rest is for the birds.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Playful Kiss OST Lyric
키스해줄래 / Will you kiss me?
by G.NA
Eojen tto neoreul mannasseo
Maeil bam kkumsoge
Nal tteollige haneun
Haemalgeun useumeun
Yeojeonhi bitnago
Yeojeonhi mutneunna
Bukkeureopge haneun
Geuriwo geuriwo
Nareul aneun neoui nunbichimyeon
Seulpeun maeumsoge
Kkumeul kkaeeosseul ttae
Angsanghan maeumman
Namgyeojyeo itgunyo
Suthan geojissogen
Mudyeojin jinsilgwa
Geu gamyeon neomeoe
Neon neon
Chaewojin nunmuri ijen
Geuriwo geuriwo neo
Nareul aneun
Neoui nunbichi nan geuriwo
Mianhae mianhae
Neo neo
Najocha nado jal moreugedoeseo
Chagaun useumgwa
Ijeneun bol sudo
Chajeul sudo eobtjiman
Ibyeorui apeumdo
Chagaun meonjisogui
Heuteojyeo itjiman
Meorisok gadeukhan
Jiwojiji annneun
Nae umjigimdeuri ijen
Geuriwo geuriwo
Nareul aneun
Neoui nunbichi
Chameul su eobsi
Maeil bam kkumsoge
Nal tteollige haneun
Haemalgeun useumeun
Yeojeonhi bitnago
Yeojeonhi mutneunna
Bukkeureopge haneun
Geuriwo geuriwo
Nareul aneun neoui nunbichimyeon
Seulpeun maeumsoge
Kkumeul kkaeeosseul ttae
Angsanghan maeumman
Namgyeojyeo itgunyo
Suthan geojissogen
Mudyeojin jinsilgwa
Geu gamyeon neomeoe
Neon neon
Chaewojin nunmuri ijen
Geuriwo geuriwo neo
Nareul aneun
Neoui nunbichi nan geuriwo
Mianhae mianhae
Neo neo
Najocha nado jal moreugedoeseo
Chagaun useumgwa
Ijeneun bol sudo
Chajeul sudo eobtjiman
Ibyeorui apeumdo
Chagaun meonjisogui
Heuteojyeo itjiman
Meorisok gadeukhan
Jiwojiji annneun
Nae umjigimdeuri ijen
Geuriwo geuriwo
Nareul aneun
Neoui nunbichi
Chameul su eobsi
Hangul & Translation
언제부터 였는지 너를 본 순간부터
1분1초마다 니가 자꾸 생각나
너는 무얼하는지.. 지금 어디있는지 Woo baby
I don’t know when it was
From the moment that I saw you
Every minute, every second, I keep on thinking about you
What you are doing
Oh no…
Where you are right now
이리저리 보아도 이것저것 다져도
니가 자꾸 맘에 들어 미칠거 같애..
이런 내맘을 아는지.. 이런 내 감정은 아는지
I look here and there
Even though I step here and there
I keep on liking you
I think I am going to go crazy
I wonder if you know the way feel
I wonder the way my heart feels
하루하루 너만 바라보며 항상 기다려 볼래
오직 너 하나만 알고 사랑해 줄게
사랑하기에도 아까운 시간인데
너 없인 아무것도 하기 싫은데
Day after day every time I look at you I always want to wait
I only want to know you and love you
Even spending time on love is a waste
I don’t want to do anything without you
매일매일 아침마다 눈만 뜨면 보고 싶은데
이제 너 없이는 하루라도 살수 없는데
사랑한다 그 한마디 듣고 싶은데
매일 사랑해.. 너만 사랑해 우리둘이
Every day
From the moment I open my eyes I want to see you to see you
Now I can’t go on one day without you
I just want to hear you say you love me
I love you every day; only love you
The two of us
Woo baby..
혹시 니가 내꺼란 그런 상상만으로
하루종일 두근거려 미칠거 같애
너에게로 달려가.. 솔직하게 고백할거야
What if you were mine? Just imagining it
Makes me feel nervous, I think I am going to go crazy
I’m going to run to you and confess
하루하루 너만 바라보며 항상 기다려 볼래
오직 너 하나만 알고 사랑해 줄게
사랑하기에도 아까운 시간인데
너 없인 아무것도 하기 싫은데
Day after day every time I look at you I always want to wait
I only want to know you and love you
Even spending time on love is a waste
I don’t want to do anything without you
매일매일 아침마다 눈만 뜨면 보고 싶은데
이제 너 없이는 하루라도 살수 없는데
사랑한다 그 한마디 듣고 싶은데
매일 사랑해.. 너만 사랑해 우리둘이
Every day
From the moment I open my eyes I want to see you to see you
Now I can’t go on one day without you
I just want to hear you say you love me
I love you every day; only love you
The two of us
말문이 막혀 숨이 차올라(차올라)
떨리는 내손 꼭 잡은 니 두손에
눈물이 날것 같아 지금 내게 고백한거니
My hands are shaking because I am my speechless, holding my breath
Because your two hands are holding them [I had to edit this verse it orginally said [i]I become speechless and hold my breath Your two hands are holding my shaking hands[/i]]
I think I’m going to cry
Did you just confess to me?
나만 항상 지켜주고 바라봐 줄래
너 때문에 눈물나면 꼭 안아 줄래
그토록 간절히 원하던 순간이네
아무리 생각해도 믿기질 않아
Will you always protect and only look at me?
When I cry because of you, will you promise hug me?
This is the moment that I have longed for
I can’t believe that this is really happening
매일 매일 내 옆에서 나만 보며 지켜봐 줄래
친구로 지내긴 너를 너무 사랑하니까
사랑한 그 한마디 지금 해줄래
매일 사랑해 나만 사랑해 키스해 줄래
Are you going to look at and protect me every day?
I love you too much for us to be friends
So can you please tell me that one word, I love you right now?
I love every day, only love me,
Will you kiss me?
1분1초마다 니가 자꾸 생각나
너는 무얼하는지.. 지금 어디있는지 Woo baby
I don’t know when it was
From the moment that I saw you
Every minute, every second, I keep on thinking about you
What you are doing
Oh no…
Where you are right now
이리저리 보아도 이것저것 다져도
니가 자꾸 맘에 들어 미칠거 같애..
이런 내맘을 아는지.. 이런 내 감정은 아는지
I look here and there
Even though I step here and there
I keep on liking you
I think I am going to go crazy
I wonder if you know the way feel
I wonder the way my heart feels
하루하루 너만 바라보며 항상 기다려 볼래
오직 너 하나만 알고 사랑해 줄게
사랑하기에도 아까운 시간인데
너 없인 아무것도 하기 싫은데
Day after day every time I look at you I always want to wait
I only want to know you and love you
Even spending time on love is a waste
I don’t want to do anything without you
매일매일 아침마다 눈만 뜨면 보고 싶은데
이제 너 없이는 하루라도 살수 없는데
사랑한다 그 한마디 듣고 싶은데
매일 사랑해.. 너만 사랑해 우리둘이
Every day
From the moment I open my eyes I want to see you to see you
Now I can’t go on one day without you
I just want to hear you say you love me
I love you every day; only love you
The two of us
Woo baby..
혹시 니가 내꺼란 그런 상상만으로
하루종일 두근거려 미칠거 같애
너에게로 달려가.. 솔직하게 고백할거야
What if you were mine? Just imagining it
Makes me feel nervous, I think I am going to go crazy
I’m going to run to you and confess
하루하루 너만 바라보며 항상 기다려 볼래
오직 너 하나만 알고 사랑해 줄게
사랑하기에도 아까운 시간인데
너 없인 아무것도 하기 싫은데
Day after day every time I look at you I always want to wait
I only want to know you and love you
Even spending time on love is a waste
I don’t want to do anything without you
매일매일 아침마다 눈만 뜨면 보고 싶은데
이제 너 없이는 하루라도 살수 없는데
사랑한다 그 한마디 듣고 싶은데
매일 사랑해.. 너만 사랑해 우리둘이
Every day
From the moment I open my eyes I want to see you to see you
Now I can’t go on one day without you
I just want to hear you say you love me
I love you every day; only love you
The two of us
말문이 막혀 숨이 차올라(차올라)
떨리는 내손 꼭 잡은 니 두손에
눈물이 날것 같아 지금 내게 고백한거니
My hands are shaking because I am my speechless, holding my breath
Because your two hands are holding them [I had to edit this verse it orginally said [i]I become speechless and hold my breath Your two hands are holding my shaking hands[/i]]
I think I’m going to cry
Did you just confess to me?
나만 항상 지켜주고 바라봐 줄래
너 때문에 눈물나면 꼭 안아 줄래
그토록 간절히 원하던 순간이네
아무리 생각해도 믿기질 않아
Will you always protect and only look at me?
When I cry because of you, will you promise hug me?
This is the moment that I have longed for
I can’t believe that this is really happening
매일 매일 내 옆에서 나만 보며 지켜봐 줄래
친구로 지내긴 너를 너무 사랑하니까
사랑한 그 한마디 지금 해줄래
매일 사랑해 나만 사랑해 키스해 줄래
Are you going to look at and protect me every day?
I love you too much for us to be friends
So can you please tell me that one word, I love you right now?
I love every day, only love me,
Will you kiss me?
One more time - by Hyun Joong
Credit: (Lyrics + Chinese translation) 小馒头1991 @ Baidu SS501 + (Romanization) + (English translation)
내가 몰랐었나봐
nae-ga mol-ra-sseot-na-bwa
I think I didn't know
너를 몰랐었나봐
neo-reul mol-ra-sseot-na-bwa
I think I didn't know you
이렇게도 가까이에 있는데
i-reo-ke-do ga-kka-i-e it-neun-de
That you are this near to me
정말 소중한 것은 사라져간 후에야
jeong-mal so-jung-han geo-seun sa-ra-jyeo-gan hu-e-ya
It had to be after a really precious thing disappears to know
알 수 있는가봐 지금의 너처럼
al su it-neun-ga-bwa ji-geu-mui neo-cheo-reom
Just like the you now
미안해 니가 흘린 눈물 알지 못해
mi-an-hae ni-ga heul-rin nun-mul al-ji mot-hae
对不起 不知道你为什么有泪水
I'm sorry, I couldn't know your trickling tears
미안해 이제서야 니 앞에 와서
mi-an-hae i-je-seo-ya ni a-pe wa-seo
对不起 现在我来到你面前
I'm sorry, I will come before you now
One More Time One More Time
다시 한번 내곁으로 와 줄 수 없겠니
da-si han-beon nae-gyeo-teu-ro wa jul su op-get-ni
Can't you come to my side again once more
언제나 너만을 사랑해
eon-je-na neo-ma-neul sa-rang-hae
无论什么时候 我只爱你
Always Always I love you only
늦은 이 후회만큼 널 사랑할게
neu-jeun i hu-hoe-man-teum neol sa-rang-hal-ge
虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你
This regret had to come so late for me to love you more now
바보같은 내가 널 맘에 없는 말들로
ba-bo-ga-teun nae-ga neol ma-me op-neun mal-deul-ro
讨厌傻瓜一样的我 不懂你内心
The foolish me had to say You don't exist in my heart
그렇게 많이 아프게 했나봐
geu-reo-ke ma-ni a-peu-ge haet-na-bwa
My words must have hurt you so much
네가 아니였다면 몰랐을 행복인데
ne-ga a-ni-yeot-da-myeon mol-ra-sseul haeng-bo-kin-de
如果不是你 我不懂得幸福
Had you not exist, I wouldn't have known Happiness
이제야 알았어 니가 사랑이란 걸
i-je-ya a-ra-sseo ni-ga sa-rang-i-ran geol
现在我懂了 就是爱你
But now I do, the thing called Love is you
고마워 소중한 사랑을 가르쳐줘
go-ma-wo so-jung-han sa-rang-eul ga-reu-chyeo-jwo
谢谢 教会我珍贵的爱情
Thank you, for teaching me precious love
고마워 이젠 내가 더 사랑할게
go-ma-wo i-jen nae-ga deo sa-rang-hal-ge
谢谢 现在我会更加爱你
Thank you, I will love more now
One More Time One More Time
다시 한번 내곁으로 와 줄 수 없겠니
da-si han-beon nae-gyeo-teu-ro wa jul su op-get-ni
Can't you come to my side again once more
언제나 너만을 사랑해
eon-je-na neo-ma-neul sa-rang-hae
无论什么时候 我只爱你
Always Always I love you only
늦은 이 후회만큼 더 사랑할게
neu-jeun i hu-hoe-man-teum deo sa-rang-hal-ge
虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你
This regret had to come so late for me to love you more now
One More Time One More Time
사랑해 널 사랑해
sa-rang-hae neol sa-rang-hae
爱你 我爱你
I love you, I love you,
이런 날을 다시 받아 줄 수 없겠니
i-reon na-reul da-si ba-da jul su op-get-ni
Can't you accept a person like Me again
언제나 내게 준 그 사랑
eon-je-na nae-ge jun geu sa-rang
无论什么时候 你给的爱
Your love given to me always
내가 다 갚을 수 있게 허락해줘
nae-ga da ga-peul su it-ge heo-ra-kae-jwo
我都会补偿给你 请允许我
I will reciprocate it all Please allow me
내 손을 잡아줘
nae so-neul ja-ba-jwo
Please hold on hands...
Should I Confess Lyrics (Soyu Sistar)
oneuldo meonghani haneulman boda
ne eolgureul gamanhi geuryeo bwasseo
ne ipsul ne nundongjakkaji
da sarangseureowo oneulttara deo
ije ijeoyaji aereul sseobwado
ijen an bwayaji dajimhaebwado
naegen ojik neoppuniya
dareun sarameun andwae
ireon nae mameul ije arajullae
saranghandago malhalkka
maeil neoman baraboneun nae mameul alkka
naegen neo hanaman isseojumyeon
amugeotdo nan ije wonhaji anha
nae gyeoteman isseo jullae
neoege dallyeoga bolkka
ijen ne maeumeul algo sipeo
nan geugeo hanamyeon dwae
nega eomneun haruneun sangsanghal sudo eobseo
ireon nae mameul badajullae
hamkkehaetdeon nareul gieokhaebwado
jinan chueokdeureul doesaegyeobwado
naegen neo hanappuniya dareun sarangeun sirheo
neoman gidarineun nal anajullae
saranghandago malhalkka
maeil neoman baraboneun nae mameul alkka
naegen neo hanaman isseojumyeon
amugeotdo nan ije wonhaji anha
hangsang nae gyeoteul jikyeojullae
chagaun ne pyojeongdo
ne maltudo sanggwaneobseo
nege gobaekhallae
neol saranghae
sesang geu nuguboda neoreul deo saranghae
naegen i sarangman heorakhamyeon
amugeotdo nan ije baraji anha
neo hanamyeon chungbunhande
neoege yonggi naebolkka
ijen ne maeumeul algo sipeo
nan deo baral ge eobseo
neo eobsineun harudo saragal suga eobseo
ojik han saram neol saranghae
I Am Legend OST Lyric
Comeback Madonna – Comeback Madonna Band
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
So what 찟어진 청바지에 rock’n'roll 멋지잖아
So what jjiseojin cheongbajie rock’n'roll meotjijanha
And yes 나만의 무대위에 소중한 꿈을 싣고
And yes namanui mudaewie sojunghan kkumeul sitgo
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
So what 화려한원피스에 하이힐 이쁘잖아
So what hwaryeohanwonpiseue haihil ippeujanha
I’m fine 갑갑한 현실위에 나만의 꿈을 위해
I’m fine gapgaphan hyeonsirwie namanui kkumeul wihae
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
One Two Three Go~
One Two Three Go~
절대 멈추지는마
jeoldae meomchujineunma
너무도 귀한 사람아
neomudo gwihan sarama
절대 뒤 돌아보지마
jeoldae dwi dorabojima
빛나는 우릴 보여줘
bitnaneun uril boyeojwo
당당하고 아름답게
dangdanghago areumdapge
내 사랑하는 널 위해~
nae saranghaneun neol wihae~
So what 지나간 후회따윈 이제는 필요없어
So what jinagan huhoettawin ijeneun pillyoeobseo
And yes 언제나 꿈꿔왔던 지금의 나를 위해
And yes eonjena kkumkkwowatdeon jigeumui nareul wihae
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
절대 멈추지는마
jeoldae meomchujineunma
너무도 귀한 사람아
neomudo gwihan sarama
절대 뒤 돌아보지마
jeoldae dwi dorabojima
빛나는 우릴 보여줘
bitnaneun uril boyeojwo
당당하고 아름답게
dangdanghago areumdapge
내 사랑하는 널 위해~
nae saranghaneun neol wihae~
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
credit daum & thelapan
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
So what 찟어진 청바지에 rock’n'roll 멋지잖아
So what jjiseojin cheongbajie rock’n'roll meotjijanha
And yes 나만의 무대위에 소중한 꿈을 싣고
And yes namanui mudaewie sojunghan kkumeul sitgo
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
So what 화려한원피스에 하이힐 이쁘잖아
So what hwaryeohanwonpiseue haihil ippeujanha
I’m fine 갑갑한 현실위에 나만의 꿈을 위해
I’m fine gapgaphan hyeonsirwie namanui kkumeul wihae
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
One Two Three Go~
One Two Three Go~
절대 멈추지는마
jeoldae meomchujineunma
너무도 귀한 사람아
neomudo gwihan sarama
절대 뒤 돌아보지마
jeoldae dwi dorabojima
빛나는 우릴 보여줘
bitnaneun uril boyeojwo
당당하고 아름답게
dangdanghago areumdapge
내 사랑하는 널 위해~
nae saranghaneun neol wihae~
So what 지나간 후회따윈 이제는 필요없어
So what jinagan huhoettawin ijeneun pillyoeobseo
And yes 언제나 꿈꿔왔던 지금의 나를 위해
And yes eonjena kkumkkwowatdeon jigeumui nareul wihae
We will come back 섹시하게
We will come back seksihage
We will come back 우아하게
We will come back uahage
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
절대 멈추지는마
jeoldae meomchujineunma
너무도 귀한 사람아
neomudo gwihan sarama
절대 뒤 돌아보지마
jeoldae dwi dorabojima
빛나는 우릴 보여줘
bitnaneun uril boyeojwo
당당하고 아름답게
dangdanghago areumdapge
내 사랑하는 널 위해~
nae saranghaneun neol wihae~
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
We will come back
마치 우린 마돈나 처럼
machi urin madonna cheoreom
credit daum & thelapan
A Million Roses – Comeback Madonna Band
먼옛날 어느별에서 내가 세상에 나올때
meonyetnal eoneubyeoreseo naega sesange naolttae
사랑을 주고 오라는 작은음성 하나 들었지
sarangeul jugo oraneun jageuneumseong hana deureotji
사랑을 할때만 피는꽃 백만송이 피워오라는
sarangeul halttaeman pineunkkot baengmansongi piwooraneun
진실한 사랑을 할때만 피어나는 사랑의 장미
jinsilhan sarangeul halttaeman pieonaneun sarangui jangmi
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
진실한 사랑은 뭔가 괴로운 눈물 흘렸네
jinsilhan sarangeun mwonga goeroun nunmul heullyeonne
헤어져간 사람많았던 너무나 슬픈 세상이였기에
heeojyeogan sarammanhatdeon neomuna seulpeun sesangiyeotgie
사랑을 할때만 피는꽃 백만송이 피워오라는
sarangeul halttaeman pineunkkot baengmansongi piwooraneun
진실한 사랑을 할때만 피어나는 사랑의 장미
jinsilhan sarangeul halttaeman pieonaneun sarangui jangmi
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
English Translation [provided by IAL team@viikii]:
Long time ago, on a certain star,
When I came out into this world
I heard a small voice that told me
To give love.
A flower that only blooms when you love.
I was told to bloom a million roses.
Only when you sincerely love,
Love’s rose will bloom.
Without a heart that hates…hates…hates.
Only when you love without holding back, without holding back.
A million roses, a million roses, a million roses will bloom.
And then I can come back to my beautiful starland that I miss.
What is sincere love?
Tormenting tears fall.
So many people separate
Because it was such a sad world.
A flower that blooms only when you sincerely love.
I was told to bloom a million roses.
Only when you sincerely love,
Love’s rose will bloom.
Without a heart that hates…hates…hates.
Only when you love without holding back, without holding back.
A million roses, a million roses, a million roses will bloom.
And then I can come back to my beautiful starland that I miss.
meonyetnal eoneubyeoreseo naega sesange naolttae
사랑을 주고 오라는 작은음성 하나 들었지
sarangeul jugo oraneun jageuneumseong hana deureotji
사랑을 할때만 피는꽃 백만송이 피워오라는
sarangeul halttaeman pineunkkot baengmansongi piwooraneun
진실한 사랑을 할때만 피어나는 사랑의 장미
jinsilhan sarangeul halttaeman pieonaneun sarangui jangmi
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
진실한 사랑은 뭔가 괴로운 눈물 흘렸네
jinsilhan sarangeun mwonga goeroun nunmul heullyeonne
헤어져간 사람많았던 너무나 슬픈 세상이였기에
heeojyeogan sarammanhatdeon neomuna seulpeun sesangiyeotgie
사랑을 할때만 피는꽃 백만송이 피워오라는
sarangeul halttaeman pineunkkot baengmansongi piwooraneun
진실한 사랑을 할때만 피어나는 사랑의 장미
jinsilhan sarangeul halttaeman pieonaneun sarangui jangmi
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
미워하는 미워하는 미워하는 마음없이
miwohaneun miwohaneun miwohaneun maeumeobsi
아낌없이 아낌없이 사랑을 주기만 할때
akkimeobsi akkimeobsi sarangeul jugiman halttae
수 백만송이 백만송이 백만송이 꽃은피고
su baengmansongi baengmansongi baengmansongi kkocheunpigo
그립고 아름다운 내별나라로 갈수있다네
geuripgo areumdaun naebyeollararo galsuitdane
English Translation [provided by IAL team@viikii]:
Long time ago, on a certain star,
When I came out into this world
I heard a small voice that told me
To give love.
A flower that only blooms when you love.
I was told to bloom a million roses.
Only when you sincerely love,
Love’s rose will bloom.
Without a heart that hates…hates…hates.
Only when you love without holding back, without holding back.
A million roses, a million roses, a million roses will bloom.
And then I can come back to my beautiful starland that I miss.
What is sincere love?
Tormenting tears fall.
So many people separate
Because it was such a sad world.
A flower that blooms only when you sincerely love.
I was told to bloom a million roses.
Only when you sincerely love,
Love’s rose will bloom.
Without a heart that hates…hates…hates.
Only when you love without holding back, without holding back.
A million roses, a million roses, a million roses will bloom.
And then I can come back to my beautiful starland that I miss.
You – Lee Joon Hyuk
그대는 알지못하죠
geudaeneun aljimotajyo
이런 내떨림을
ireon naetteollimeul
그대는 나를 아나요
geudaeneun nareul anayo
이런 내가슴을
ireon naegaseumeul
그대는 나를 부르죠
geudaeneun nareul bureujyo
아무도 모르게
amudo moreuge
그대는 내게 다가와
geudaeneun naege dagawa
온통 날 흔들죠
ontong nal heundeuljyo
그대를 만나고서 나 참 많이 놀래요
geudaereul mannagoseo na cham manhi nollaeyo
누굴 이토록 사랑할수 있었네요
nugul itorok saranghalsu isseonneyo
그대가 그대가 나를 모두 가져버린 그대가
geudaega geudaega nareul modu gajyeobeorin geudaega
이젠 참 어렵네요 사랑하니까 사랑하니까 그댈
ijen cham eoryeomneyo saranghanikka saranghanikka geudael
하늘과 같죠 늘 비춰주는
haneulgwa gatjyo neul bichwojuneun
하나뿐인 태양처럼
hanappunin taeyangcheoreom
환하게 그댄 날 만들죠
hwanhage geudaen nal mandeuljyo
그대가 그대가 나를 모두 가져버린 그대가
geudaega geudaega nareul modu gajyeobeorin geudaega
이젠 참 어렵네요 사랑하니까 사랑하니까
ijen cham eoryeomneyo saranghanikka saranghanikka
geudaeneun aljimotajyo
이런 내떨림을
ireon naetteollimeul
그대는 나를 아나요
geudaeneun nareul anayo
이런 내가슴을
ireon naegaseumeul
그대는 나를 부르죠
geudaeneun nareul bureujyo
아무도 모르게
amudo moreuge
그대는 내게 다가와
geudaeneun naege dagawa
온통 날 흔들죠
ontong nal heundeuljyo
그대를 만나고서 나 참 많이 놀래요
geudaereul mannagoseo na cham manhi nollaeyo
누굴 이토록 사랑할수 있었네요
nugul itorok saranghalsu isseonneyo
그대가 그대가 나를 모두 가져버린 그대가
geudaega geudaega nareul modu gajyeobeorin geudaega
이젠 참 어렵네요 사랑하니까 사랑하니까 그댈
ijen cham eoryeomneyo saranghanikka saranghanikka geudael
하늘과 같죠 늘 비춰주는
haneulgwa gatjyo neul bichwojuneun
하나뿐인 태양처럼
hanappunin taeyangcheoreom
환하게 그댄 날 만들죠
hwanhage geudaen nal mandeuljyo
그대가 그대가 나를 모두 가져버린 그대가
geudaega geudaega nareul modu gajyeobeorin geudaega
이젠 참 어렵네요 사랑하니까 사랑하니까
ijen cham eoryeomneyo saranghanikka saranghanikka
Killing Me Softly – Comeback Madonna Band
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
To listen for a while
And there he was this young boy
A stranger to my eyes
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Strumming my pain oh~
Singing my life oh~
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
To listen for a while
And there he was this young boy
A stranger to my eyes
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Strumming my pain oh~
Singing my life oh~
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Love Love Love – Comeback Madonna Band
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 울고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange ulgo
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 웃고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange utgo
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
철부지 어렸을 땐 사랑을 몰라
cheolbuji eoryeosseul ttaen sarangeul molla
세월이 흘러가면 사랑을 알지
sewori heulleogamyeon sarangeul alji
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 울고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange ulgo
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 웃고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange utgo
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
철부지 어렸을 땐 사랑을 몰라
cheolbuji eoryeosseul ttaen sarangeul molla
세월이 흘러가면 사랑을 알지
sewori heulleogamyeon sarangeul alji
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange ulgo
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 웃고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange utgo
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
철부지 어렸을 땐 사랑을 몰라
cheolbuji eoryeosseul ttaen sarangeul molla
세월이 흘러가면 사랑을 알지
sewori heulleogamyeon sarangeul alji
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 울고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange ulgo
누구나 한번쯤은 사랑에 웃고
nuguna hanbeonjjeumeun sarange utgo
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
철부지 어렸을 땐 사랑을 몰라
cheolbuji eoryeosseul ttaen sarangeul molla
세월이 흘러가면 사랑을 알지
sewori heulleogamyeon sarangeul alji
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
그 흔한 사랑 한 번 못해본 사람
geu heunhan sarang han beon motaebon saram
그 흔한 사랑 너무 많이 한 사람
geu heunhan sarang neomu manhi han saram
그것이 바로 사랑 사랑 사랑이야
geugeoshi baro sarang sarang sarangiya
사랑에 마음 아파 사랑에 울고
sarange maeum apa sarange ulgo
사랑에 기분 좋아 사랑에 웃고 Hey
sarange gibun joha sarange utgo Hey
I Fee A Good Day – Comeback Madonna Band
기분 좋은 날 – 컴백마돈나 밴드
토요일 오후 그렇게 망설이지 말고
춤을 춰봐요 나와 함께
오늘 하루는 피곤한 얘기하긴 싫어
춤을 춰봐요 아우 아호
왠지 바쁜 월요일 정신없던 화요일
지루했던 수요일은 가고
황금같은 토요일이
바로 오늘이잖아요
나와 함께 춤을 춰봐요
여러분 나를 봐요
그리고 일어나서 춤을 춰요
나와 함께 춤추고 싶은 사람
모두 나와 하던 일 잠시 잊고
춤을 춰요 기분이 정말로 상쾌해요
토요일 오후 모두가 기다리던 시간
그냥 보낼 수 없잖아요
오늘 하루는 하던 일 잠시라도 잊고
춤을 춰봐요 아우 아호
왠지 바쁜 월요일 정신없는 화요일
지루했던 수요일은 가고
황금같은 토요일이
바로 오늘이잖아요
나와 함께 춤을 춰봐요
여러분 나를 봐요
그리고 일어나서 춤을 춰요
나와 함께 춤추고 싶은 사람
모두 나와 하던 일 잠시 잊고
춤을 춰요 내 모습이 부럽지 않나요
언제라도 가슴이 답답할땐
춤을 춰요 기분이 정말로 상쾌해요
(Romanized Lyrics)
toyoil ohu geureoke mangseoriji malgo
chumeul chwobwayo nawa hamkke
oneul haruneun pigonhan yaegihagin sirheo
chumeul chwobwayo au aho
waenji bappeun wollyoil jeongsineopdeon hwayoil
jiruhaetdeon suyoireun gago
hwanggeumgateun toyoiri
baro oneurijanhayo
nawa hamkke chumeul chwobwayo
yeoreobun nareul bwayo
geurigo ireonaseo chumeul chwoyo
nawa hamkke chumchugo sipeun saram
modu nawa hadeon il jamsi itgo
chumeul chwoyo gibuni jeongmallo sangkwaehaeyo
toyoil ohu moduga gidarideon sigan
geunyang bonael su eobtjanhayo
oneul haruneun hadeon il jamsirado itgo
chumeul chwobwayo au aho
waenji bappeun wollyoil jeongsineomneun hwayoil
jiruhaetdeon suyoireun gago
hwanggeumgateun toyoiri
baro oneurijanhayo
nawa hamkke chumeul chwobwayo
yeoreobun nareul bwayo
geurigo ireonaseo chumeul chwoyo
nawa hamkke chumchugo sipeun saram
modu nawa hadeon il jamsi itgo
chumeul chwoyo nae moseubi bureopji annnayo
eonjerado gaseumi dapdaphalttaen
chumeul chwoyo gibuni jeongmallo sangkwaehaeyo
Korean to English translation (by Google)
Do not hesitate to do Saturday
Come out and try to dance with me
I do not want a tiring day
Try to dance brother
Monday why the spirit was not busy Tuesday
Wednesday is tedious to go
Saturday is golden
Today it’s the
Come out and try to dance with me
You look at me
And get up to dance
People want to dance with me
Both were listed in a second forgetting
I’m dancing I feel really refreshed
Saturday afternoon, all have been waiting
You can not just send
Today was a day to forget for a while
Try to dance brother
Monday why a busy hectic Tuesday
Wednesday is tedious to go
Saturday is golden
Today it’s the
Come out and try to dance with me
You look at me
And get up to dance
People want to dance with me
Both were listed in a second forgetting
Do you see me dancing envy
My heart beats always stuffy
I’m dancing I feel really refreshed
토요일 오후 그렇게 망설이지 말고
춤을 춰봐요 나와 함께
오늘 하루는 피곤한 얘기하긴 싫어
춤을 춰봐요 아우 아호
왠지 바쁜 월요일 정신없던 화요일
지루했던 수요일은 가고
황금같은 토요일이
바로 오늘이잖아요
나와 함께 춤을 춰봐요
여러분 나를 봐요
그리고 일어나서 춤을 춰요
나와 함께 춤추고 싶은 사람
모두 나와 하던 일 잠시 잊고
춤을 춰요 기분이 정말로 상쾌해요
토요일 오후 모두가 기다리던 시간
그냥 보낼 수 없잖아요
오늘 하루는 하던 일 잠시라도 잊고
춤을 춰봐요 아우 아호
왠지 바쁜 월요일 정신없는 화요일
지루했던 수요일은 가고
황금같은 토요일이
바로 오늘이잖아요
나와 함께 춤을 춰봐요
여러분 나를 봐요
그리고 일어나서 춤을 춰요
나와 함께 춤추고 싶은 사람
모두 나와 하던 일 잠시 잊고
춤을 춰요 내 모습이 부럽지 않나요
언제라도 가슴이 답답할땐
춤을 춰요 기분이 정말로 상쾌해요
(Romanized Lyrics)
toyoil ohu geureoke mangseoriji malgo
chumeul chwobwayo nawa hamkke
oneul haruneun pigonhan yaegihagin sirheo
chumeul chwobwayo au aho
waenji bappeun wollyoil jeongsineopdeon hwayoil
jiruhaetdeon suyoireun gago
hwanggeumgateun toyoiri
baro oneurijanhayo
nawa hamkke chumeul chwobwayo
yeoreobun nareul bwayo
geurigo ireonaseo chumeul chwoyo
nawa hamkke chumchugo sipeun saram
modu nawa hadeon il jamsi itgo
chumeul chwoyo gibuni jeongmallo sangkwaehaeyo
toyoil ohu moduga gidarideon sigan
geunyang bonael su eobtjanhayo
oneul haruneun hadeon il jamsirado itgo
chumeul chwobwayo au aho
waenji bappeun wollyoil jeongsineomneun hwayoil
jiruhaetdeon suyoireun gago
hwanggeumgateun toyoiri
baro oneurijanhayo
nawa hamkke chumeul chwobwayo
yeoreobun nareul bwayo
geurigo ireonaseo chumeul chwoyo
nawa hamkke chumchugo sipeun saram
modu nawa hadeon il jamsi itgo
chumeul chwoyo nae moseubi bureopji annnayo
eonjerado gaseumi dapdaphalttaen
chumeul chwoyo gibuni jeongmallo sangkwaehaeyo
Korean to English translation (by Google)
Do not hesitate to do Saturday
Come out and try to dance with me
I do not want a tiring day
Try to dance brother
Monday why the spirit was not busy Tuesday
Wednesday is tedious to go
Saturday is golden
Today it’s the
Come out and try to dance with me
You look at me
And get up to dance
People want to dance with me
Both were listed in a second forgetting
I’m dancing I feel really refreshed
Saturday afternoon, all have been waiting
You can not just send
Today was a day to forget for a while
Try to dance brother
Monday why a busy hectic Tuesday
Wednesday is tedious to go
Saturday is golden
Today it’s the
Come out and try to dance with me
You look at me
And get up to dance
People want to dance with me
Both were listed in a second forgetting
Do you see me dancing envy
My heart beats always stuffy
I’m dancing I feel really refreshed
Blissful Confession – Comeback Madonna Band
황홀한 고백네온이 불타는 거리 가로등 불빛 아래서
hwangholhan gobaengneoni bultaneun geori garodeung bulbit araeseo
그 언젠가 만났던 너와 나
geu eonjenga mannatdeon neowa na
지금은 무엇을 할까 생각에 잠기면
jigeumeun mueoseul halkka saenggage jamgimyeon
하염없이 그 날이 그리워지네
hayeomeopsi geu nari geuriwojine
불타는 눈동자 목마른 그 입술
bultaneun nundongja mongmareun geu ipsul
별들도 잠이 들고
byeoldeuldo jami deulgo
이대로 영원히 너만을 사랑해
idaero yeongwonhi neomaneul saranghae
황홀한 그 한마디
hwangholhan geu hanmadi
지금도 늦지 않았어 내 곁에 돌아온다면
jigeumdo neutji anhasseo nae gyeote doraondamyeon
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
네온이 불타는 거리 가로등 불빛 아래서
neoni bultaneun geori garodeung bulbit araeseo
그 언젠가 만났던 너와 나
geu eonjenga mannatdeon neowa na
지금은 무엇을 할까 생각에 잠기면
jigeumeun mueoseul halkka saenggage jamgimyeon
하염없이 그 날이 그리워지네
hayeomeopsi geu nari geuriwojine
불타는 눈동자 목마른 그 입술
bultaneun nundongja mongmareun geu ipsul
별들도 잠이 들고
byeoldeuldo jami deulgo
이대로 영원히 너만을 사랑해
idaero yeongwonhi neomaneul saranghae
황홀한 그 한마디
hwangholhan geu hanmadi
지금도 늦지 않았어 내 곁에 돌아온다면
jigeumdo neutji anhasseo nae gyeote doraondamyeon
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
hwangholhan gobaengneoni bultaneun geori garodeung bulbit araeseo
그 언젠가 만났던 너와 나
geu eonjenga mannatdeon neowa na
지금은 무엇을 할까 생각에 잠기면
jigeumeun mueoseul halkka saenggage jamgimyeon
하염없이 그 날이 그리워지네
hayeomeopsi geu nari geuriwojine
불타는 눈동자 목마른 그 입술
bultaneun nundongja mongmareun geu ipsul
별들도 잠이 들고
byeoldeuldo jami deulgo
이대로 영원히 너만을 사랑해
idaero yeongwonhi neomaneul saranghae
황홀한 그 한마디
hwangholhan geu hanmadi
지금도 늦지 않았어 내 곁에 돌아온다면
jigeumdo neutji anhasseo nae gyeote doraondamyeon
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
네온이 불타는 거리 가로등 불빛 아래서
neoni bultaneun geori garodeung bulbit araeseo
그 언젠가 만났던 너와 나
geu eonjenga mannatdeon neowa na
지금은 무엇을 할까 생각에 잠기면
jigeumeun mueoseul halkka saenggage jamgimyeon
하염없이 그 날이 그리워지네
hayeomeopsi geu nari geuriwojine
불타는 눈동자 목마른 그 입술
bultaneun nundongja mongmareun geu ipsul
별들도 잠이 들고
byeoldeuldo jami deulgo
이대로 영원히 너만을 사랑해
idaero yeongwonhi neomaneul saranghae
황홀한 그 한마디
hwangholhan geu hanmadi
지금도 늦지 않았어 내 곁에 돌아온다면
jigeumdo neutji anhasseo nae gyeote doraondamyeon
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
나는 너를 영원히 사랑할 거야
naneun neoreul yeongwonhi saranghal geoya
Kim Jung Eun ~To You (Dear Music) Translation
This moment when I’m singing as if it’s breathing…
I can’t stop.
You, that lead me almost bursting,
Always at my side.
It always flows and flows, and it flows from my heart.
Always calls and calls, my heart at this moment calls you.
All the days I live and breathe in you.
Thank you, life.
In infinite solitude, you touched me
At times, weary, I ignore you but
Always at my side…
I can’t stop.
You, that lead me almost bursting,
Always at my side.
It always flows and flows, and it flows from my heart.
Always calls and calls, my heart at this moment calls you.
All the days I live and breathe in you.
Thank you, life.
In infinite solitude, you touched me
At times, weary, I ignore you but
Always at my side…
My Girlfriend is Gumiho OST Lyric
Lee Seung Gi - Losing My Mind
Hangul + Romanization + English translation
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너만을 사랑해 정말 미안해
눈물만 흘러내려
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너무나 보고파 니가 보고파
제발 날 용서해줘
정신이 나갔었나봐
이미 늦었다는 걸 알아
슬퍼해도 이제 모두 소용없단 걸
바람이 불어오고 내 맘이 시려와도
널 다시는 볼 수 없니 oh~
Oh baby 나를 떠나가지마
Oh baby 나는 너 하나뿐야
그대여 돌아와 날 꽉 안아줘
너 없인 견딜 수 없어
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너만을 사랑해 정말 미안해
눈물만 흘러내려
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너무나 보고파 니가 보고파
제발 날 용서해줘
정신이 나갔었나봐
사랑한단 말을 못했어 (미안해서)
고맙다는 말도 못했어 (떠날까봐)
Come back to me my girl (my girl)
오늘밤 너땜에 잠 못들어
Oh baby 나를 떠나가지마
Oh baby 나는 너 하나뿐이야
그대여 돌아와 날 꽉 안아줘
너 없인 견딜 수 없어
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너만을 사랑해 정말 미안해
눈물만 흘러내려
정신이 나갔었나봐 그땐
내가 어떻게 너를 떠나가
너무나 보고파 니가 보고파
제발 날 용서해줘
정신이 나갔었나봐
살며시 안아주고 싶어
살며시 입맞추고 싶어
그대의 품에서 나 잠들고 싶어 yeah yeah yeah ~
그땐 정말로 정신이 나갔었나봐
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomaneul saranghae jeongmal mianhae
nunmulman heulleonaelyeo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomuna bogopa niga bogopa
jebal nal yongseohaejwo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa
imi neujeodaneun geol ara
seulpeohaedo ije modu soyongeobdan geol
barami buleoogo nae mami silyeowado
neol dasineun bol su eobni oh~
Oh baby nareul tteonagajima
Oh baby naneun neo hanappun-ya
geudaeyeo dorawa nal kkwag an-ajwo
neo eobsin gyeondil su eobseo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomaneul saranghae jeongmal mianhae
nunmulman heulleonaelyeo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomuna bogopa niga bogopa
jebal nal yongseohaejwo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa
saranghandan mareul mothaesseo (mianhaeseo)
gomabdaneun maldo mothaesseo (tteonalkkabwa)
Come back to me my girl (my girl)
oneulbam neottaeme jam modeuleo
Oh baby naleul tteonagajima
Oh baby naneun neo hanappuniya
geudaeyeo dorawa nal kkwag anajwo
neo eobsin gyeondil su eobseo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomaneul saranghae jeongmal mianhae
nunmulman heulleonaelyeo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa geuttaen
naega eotteohge neoleul tteonaga
neomuna bogopa niga bogopa
jebal nal yongseohaejwo
jeongsini nagass-eonabwa
salmyeosi anajugo sipeo
salmyeosi ibmajchugo sipeo
geudaeui pumeseo na jamdeulgo sipeo yeah yeah yeah ~
geuttaen jeongmallo jeongsini nagass-eonabwa
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i only loves you i'm really sorry
i could only cry
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i really miss it. i miss you
please forgive me~ i think i lost my mind
i know that it's too late now
even i'm sad it's all useless
even if the wind blows and my heart is lonely
i can't see you anymore, oh~
oh baby don't leave me
oh baby you're the only one for me
please come back. please hug me tightly
i can't bear it without you
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i only loves you i'm really sorry
i could only cry
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i really miss it. i miss you
please forgive me~ i think i lost my mind
i couldn't say the word 'i love you' (because i'm sorry)
i also couldn't say the word 'thanks' (because you might leave)
come backt to me my girl (my girl)
i can't sleep today because of you
oh baby don't leave me
oh baby you're the only one for me
please come back. please hug me tightly
i can't bear it without you
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i only loves you i'm really sorry
i could only cry
I think i lost my mind at that time
how could i left you
i really miss it. i miss you
please forgive me~ i think i lost my mind
i wanna hug you slowly, i wanna kiss you slowly
i wanna fall a sleep in your arms yeah yeah yeah
Hangul : mgig tieba baidu
Romanization : Koreansplash's Plopipay
Translation: billboard100kpopmnet @ youtube
Fox Rain by Lee Soon Hee
여우비 by 이선희
사랑을 아직 난 몰라서
sarangeul ajik nan mollaseo
더는 가까이 못가요
deoneun gakkai motgayo
근데 왜 자꾸만 못난 내 심장은
geunde wae jakkuman motnan nae simjangeun
난 당신이 자꾸만 밟혀서
nan dangsini jakkuman barphyeoseo
그냥 갈 수도 없네요
geunyang gal sudo eomneyo
이루어질 수 도 없는 이 사랑에
irueojil su do eomneun i sarange
내 맘이 너무 아파요
nae mami neomu apayo
하루가 가고 밤이 오면
haruga gago bami omyeon
난 온통 당신 생각뿐이죠
nan ontong dangsin saenggakppunijyo
한심스럽고 바보 같은 날
hansimseureopgo babo gateun nal
어떻게 해야 좋을까요
eotteoke haeya joheulkkayo
마음이 사랑을 따르니
maeumi sarangeul ttareuni
내가 뭘 할 수 있나요
naega mwol hal su innayo
이루어질 수도 없는 이 사랑에
irueojil sudo eomneun i sarange
내 맘이 너무 아파요
nae mami neomu apayo
하루가 가고 밤이 오면
haruga gago bami omyeon
난 온통 당신 생각뿐이죠
nan ontong dangsin saenggakppunijyo
한심스럽고 바보 같은 날
hansimseureopgo babo gateun nal
어떻게 해야 하나요
eotteoke haeya hanayo
내 아픔이 무뎌져 버릴 날이
nae apeumi mudyeojyeo beoril nari
언제쯤 내게 오긴 할까요
eonjejjeum naege ogin halkkayo
한심스럽고 바보 같은 날
hansimseureopgo babo gateun nal
어떡해 하란 말인가요
eotteokhae haran maringayo
달빛이 너무나 좋아서
dalbichi neomuna johaseo
그냥 갈 수가 없네요
geunyang gal suga eomneyo
당신 곁에 잠시 누워 있을게요
dangsin gyeote jamsi nuwo isseulgeyo
잠시만 아주 잠시만
jamsiman aju jamsima
The Person I Love - Lee Seul Bi
내가 사랑할 사람 (Nega Saranghal Saram) - 이슬비 (Lee Seul-bi)
익숙지 않죠 이런 모습에
iksukji anchyo ireon moseube
나를 보여 주는 게 처음이니까
nareul boyeo juneun ge cheoeuminikka
혼자 견디고 참아 내기엔
honja gyeondigo chama naegien
너무 외롭고 힘들 다는걸 알았으니까
neomu oeropgo himdeul daneungeol arasseunikka
변명 같아서 널 기다리는 게
byeonmyeong gataseo neol gidarineun ge
부담주기 싫은데 자꾸만 붙잡게 돼
budamjugi sirheunde jakkuman butjapge dwae
내가 사랑할 사람 나를 바라봐주길
naega saranghal saram nareul barabwajugil
내 모습이 다르게 보여도 같은 맘 이니까
nae moseubi dareuge boyeodo gateun mam inikka
너를 마주보기엔 용기나진 않지만
neoreul majubogien yongginajin anchiman
나를 사랑해줘요 뒤돌아봐 줘요
nareul saranghaejwoyo dwidorabwa jwoyo
욕심 같아서 널 가지려는 게
yoksim gataseo neol gajiryeoneun ge
감추려고 해봐도 자꾸만 그렇게 돼
gamchuryeogo haebwado jakkuman geureoke dwae
내가 기다린 사람 그게 바로 너이길
naega gidarin saram geuge baro neoigil
혼자서는 애를 써보아도 꿈인걸 아니까
honjaseoneun aereul sseoboado kkumingeol anikka
너를 사랑하기엔 부족한걸 알지만
neoreul saranghagien bujokhangeol aljiman
나를 사랑해줘요 고개 돌려 봐요
nareul saranghaejwoyo gogae dollyeo bwayo
나 혼자 말 못하면 후회될까봐
na honja mal motamyeon huhoedoelkkabwa
네 마음을 이제는 보고 싶은데
ne maeumeul ijeneun bogo sipeunde
내가 사랑할 사람 나를 바라봐주길
naega saranghal saram nareul barabwajugil
내 모습이 다르게 보여도 같은 맘 이니까
nae moseubi dareuge boyeodo gateun mam inikka
너를 마주보기엔 용기나진 않지만
neoreul majubogien yongginajin anchiman
나를 사랑해줘요 뒤돌아봐 줘요
nareul saranghaejwoyo dwidorabwa jwoyo
The Person I Love - Lee Seul Bi
내가 사랑할 사람 (Nega Saranghal Saram) - 이슬비 (Lee Seul-bi)
익숙지 않죠 이런 모습에
iksukji anchyo ireon moseube
나를 보여 주는 게 처음이니까
nareul boyeo juneun ge cheoeuminikka
혼자 견디고 참아 내기엔
honja gyeondigo chama naegien
너무 외롭고 힘들 다는걸 알았으니까
neomu oeropgo himdeul daneungeol arasseunikka
변명 같아서 널 기다리는 게
byeonmyeong gataseo neol gidarineun ge
부담주기 싫은데 자꾸만 붙잡게 돼
budamjugi sirheunde jakkuman butjapge dwae
내가 사랑할 사람 나를 바라봐주길
naega saranghal saram nareul barabwajugil
내 모습이 다르게 보여도 같은 맘 이니까
nae moseubi dareuge boyeodo gateun mam inikka
너를 마주보기엔 용기나진 않지만
neoreul majubogien yongginajin anchiman
나를 사랑해줘요 뒤돌아봐 줘요
nareul saranghaejwoyo dwidorabwa jwoyo
욕심 같아서 널 가지려는 게
yoksim gataseo neol gajiryeoneun ge
감추려고 해봐도 자꾸만 그렇게 돼
gamchuryeogo haebwado jakkuman geureoke dwae
내가 기다린 사람 그게 바로 너이길
naega gidarin saram geuge baro neoigil
혼자서는 애를 써보아도 꿈인걸 아니까
honjaseoneun aereul sseoboado kkumingeol anikka
너를 사랑하기엔 부족한걸 알지만
neoreul saranghagien bujokhangeol aljiman
나를 사랑해줘요 고개 돌려 봐요
nareul saranghaejwoyo gogae dollyeo bwayo
나 혼자 말 못하면 후회될까봐
na honja mal motamyeon huhoedoelkkabwa
네 마음을 이제는 보고 싶은데
ne maeumeul ijeneun bogo sipeunde
내가 사랑할 사람 나를 바라봐주길
naega saranghal saram nareul barabwajugil
내 모습이 다르게 보여도 같은 맘 이니까
nae moseubi dareuge boyeodo gateun mam inikka
너를 마주보기엔 용기나진 않지만
neoreul majubogien yongginajin anchiman
나를 사랑해줘요 뒤돌아봐 줘요
nareul saranghaejwoyo dwidorabwa jwoyo
울랄라 (Ooh la la) - 김건모 (Kim Gun-mo)
폼 나게만 살아서 철없었던 내가
pom nageman saraseo cheoreobseotdeon naega
한순간에 실수로 당할 줄 몰랐어
hansungane silsuro danghal jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 착각하지 마
ullal la ullal la chakgakhaji ma
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
콧대 높고 예쁜 척 착한척하더니
kotdae nopgo yeppeun cheok chakhancheokhadeoni
갑자기 너 이렇게 변할 줄 몰랐어
gapjagi neo ireoke byeonhal jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 대체 왜 이래
ullal la ullal la daeche wae irae
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
어떡해 나 어떡해 나 어떡하라고
eotteokhae na eotteokhae na eotteokharago
믿지 못할 이 얘기를 어떡하란 말이야
mitji motal i yaegireul eotteokharan mariya
아니야 너 아니야 나 믿을 수 없어
aniya neo aniya na mideul su eobseo
이제서야 알게 됐지 진짜 너의 모습을
ijeseoya alge dwaetji jinjja neoui moseubeul
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
완벽하게 모든 걸 가졌었던 내가
wanbyeokhage modeun geol gajyeosseotdeon naega
죽도록 너 때문에 힘들 줄 몰랐어
jukdorok neo ttaemune himdeul jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 내가왜이래
ullal la ullal la naegawaeirae
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
왜이래 너 왜이래 나 알 수가 없어
waeirae neo waeirae na al suga eobseo
왜 자꾸만 변해가니 겁이 나게 말이야
wae jakkuman byeonhaegani geobi nage mariya
힘들어 나 힘들어 나 버틸 수 없어
himdeureo na himdeureo na beotil su eobseo
도대체가 이 상황이 절대 이해가 안 돼
dodaechega i sanghwangi jeoldae ihaega an dwae
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
사랑 때문에 너무 지치고 힘들었어
sarang ttaemune neomu jichigo himdeureosseo
술로 긴 밤 지세우고 눈물을 삼켜야해
sullo gin bam jiseugo nunmureul samkyeoyahae
어떡해~ 나 어떡해~ 나 어떡하라고
eotteokhae~ na eotteokhae~ na eotteokharago
믿지 못할 이 얘기를 어떡하란 말이야
mitji motal i yaegireul eotteokharan mariya
아니야 너 아니야 나 믿을 수 없어
aniya neo aniya na mideul su eobseo
이제서야 알게 됐지 진짜 너의 모습을
ijeseoya alge dwaetji jinjja neoui moseubeul
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
LYn – Two As One
eo jjeo da ireoke neoleul man nasseulka museun in yeon in ji
neol bomyeon bolsu rog gaseumi ttwineun ge i sang hae jyeo
sarangil kka nega neomu joha jyeo duru duru rub
geudaeneun ireon nae mameul algo isseulkka
nalssiga joh eu myeon neo yi son eul jabgo geo lil geod go shipo
bi ga ol ttaemyeon neo yi u san i dwe go shipo
cheo eumiya seol re ineun igi bun la li la la la
malhalkka ireon nae mameul go baeg hae bol kka
ya i ya i ya ijenun muleun shiro
meong deun gaseum an go saneun geon neomu shiro
la la la ijen saranghal goya
nega cham joha neol saranghae
changga e haessali salmyeosi deuleo wa a chimeul bu reul ttaen
nae gwi reul gam ssaneun neo yi mog so lil deud go shipo
dugeun dugeun tteol ryeo oneun igi bun la la la la la
oneuleun ireon nae mameul go baeg hae bol kka
ya i ya i ya ijenun muleun shiro
meong deun gaseum an go saneun geon neomu shiro
la la la ijen saranghal goya
nega cham joha neol saranghae
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae
eodu weotdeon nae salme barg eun bi chi dwe eo jul
ba ro geu sa lam neo yeosseu myeon johgesseo
saranghae neo man saranghal goya
ireon nae mam gan jig halgoya yeong weon hi
na do joha neo man ba la bol goya
u li duliseo ha na cheo reom
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae
romanized by: thedramaaddict @
둘이 하나 (Love Theme) (With 봉구 Of 길구봉구)-린(LYn)
Two As One (Love Theme) -- Lyn (with BongGu of GilGuBongGu)
어쩌다 이렇게 너를 만났을까 무슨 인연인지
What kind of fate is it to somehow meet you like this?
널 보면 볼수록 가슴이 뛰는 게 이상해져
It's strange that the more I see you, the faster my heart beats.
사랑일까 네가 너무 좋아져 두루두루룹
Is this love? I've grown so fond of you. Du lu du lu lup
그대는 이런 내 맘을 알고 있을까
Are you aware of these feelings of mine?
날씨가 좋으면 너의 손을 잡고 거릴 걷고 싶어
If the weather is good, I want to walk down the street holding your hand
비가 올 때면 너의 우산이 되고 싶어
If it rains, I want to be your umbrella
처음이야 설레이는 이 기분 라리라라라
It's the first time having this excited feeling la la la la la
말할까 이런 내 맘을 고백해볼까
Should I say it? Should I confess these feelings of mine?
야이야이야 이젠 눈물은 싫어
Ya-i ya-i ya I don't want any tears anymore
멍든 가슴 안고 사는 건 너무 싫어
I really don't want to live with a broken heart
라라라 이젠 사랑할 거야
la la la I will love you now
네가 참 좋아 널 사랑해
I really like you. I love you.
창가에 햇살이 살며시 들어와 아침을 부를 땐
When the sunlight quietly enters through the window for a morning call
내 귀를 감싸는 너의 목소릴 듣고 싶어
I want to hear your voice hovering around my ears
두근두근 떨려오는 이 기분 라라라라라
This trembling heart is going pit-a-pat la la la la la
오늘은 이런 내 맘을 고백해볼까
Shall I confess these feelings of mine today?
야이야이야 이젠 눈물은 싫어
Ya-i ya-i ya I don't want any tears anymore
멍든 가슴 안고 사는 건 너무 싫어
I really don't want to live with a broken heart
라라라 이젠 사랑할 거야
la la la I will love you now
네가 참 좋아 널 사랑해
I really like you. I love you.
사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
어두웠던 내 삶에 밝은 빛이 되어줄
Being a bright light to me living in the darkness
바로 그 사람 너였으면 좋겠어
I wish that person would be you
사랑해 너만 사랑할 거야
I love you. I'll love only you
이런 내 맘 간직할 거야 영원히
I will cherish these feelings of mine forever
나도 좋아 너만 바라볼 거야
I'd also like to look at only you
우리 둘이서 하나처럼
The two of us are like one
사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
credit: tryp96.tumblr
울랄라 (Ooh la la) - 김건모 (Kim Gun-mo)
폼 나게만 살아서 철없었던 내가
pom nageman saraseo cheoreobseotdeon naega
한순간에 실수로 당할 줄 몰랐어
hansungane silsuro danghal jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 착각하지 마
ullal la ullal la chakgakhaji ma
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
콧대 높고 예쁜 척 착한척하더니
kotdae nopgo yeppeun cheok chakhancheokhadeoni
갑자기 너 이렇게 변할 줄 몰랐어
gapjagi neo ireoke byeonhal jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 대체 왜 이래
ullal la ullal la daeche wae irae
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
어떡해 나 어떡해 나 어떡하라고
eotteokhae na eotteokhae na eotteokharago
믿지 못할 이 얘기를 어떡하란 말이야
mitji motal i yaegireul eotteokharan mariya
아니야 너 아니야 나 믿을 수 없어
aniya neo aniya na mideul su eobseo
이제서야 알게 됐지 진짜 너의 모습을
ijeseoya alge dwaetji jinjja neoui moseubeul
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
완벽하게 모든 걸 가졌었던 내가
wanbyeokhage modeun geol gajyeosseotdeon naega
죽도록 너 때문에 힘들 줄 몰랐어
jukdorok neo ttaemune himdeul jul mollasseo
울랄 라 울랄 라 내가왜이래
ullal la ullal la naegawaeirae
울랄 라 울랄 라 어쩌면 좋아
ullal la ullal la eojjeomyeon joha
왜이래 너 왜이래 나 알 수가 없어
waeirae neo waeirae na al suga eobseo
왜 자꾸만 변해가니 겁이 나게 말이야
wae jakkuman byeonhaegani geobi nage mariya
힘들어 나 힘들어 나 버틸 수 없어
himdeureo na himdeureo na beotil su eobseo
도대체가 이 상황이 절대 이해가 안 돼
dodaechega i sanghwangi jeoldae ihaega an dwae
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
사랑 때문에 너무 지치고 힘들었어
sarang ttaemune neomu jichigo himdeureosseo
술로 긴 밤 지세우고 눈물을 삼켜야해
sullo gin bam jiseugo nunmureul samkyeoyahae
어떡해~ 나 어떡해~ 나 어떡하라고
eotteokhae~ na eotteokhae~ na eotteokharago
믿지 못할 이 얘기를 어떡하란 말이야
mitji motal i yaegireul eotteokharan mariya
아니야 너 아니야 나 믿을 수 없어
aniya neo aniya na mideul su eobseo
이제서야 알게 됐지 진짜 너의 모습을
ijeseoya alge dwaetji jinjja neoui moseubeul
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
라라라라라 라라라라라라~
lalalalala lalalalalala~
LYn – Two As One
neol bomyeon bolsu rog gaseumi ttwineun ge i sang hae jyeo
sarangil kka nega neomu joha jyeo duru duru rub
geudaeneun ireon nae mameul algo isseulkka
nalssiga joh eu myeon neo yi son eul jabgo geo lil geod go shipo
bi ga ol ttaemyeon neo yi u san i dwe go shipo
cheo eumiya seol re ineun igi bun la li la la la
malhalkka ireon nae mameul go baeg hae bol kka
ya i ya i ya ijenun muleun shiro
meong deun gaseum an go saneun geon neomu shiro
la la la ijen saranghal goya
nega cham joha neol saranghae
changga e haessali salmyeosi deuleo wa a chimeul bu reul ttaen
nae gwi reul gam ssaneun neo yi mog so lil deud go shipo
dugeun dugeun tteol ryeo oneun igi bun la la la la la
oneuleun ireon nae mameul go baeg hae bol kka
ya i ya i ya ijenun muleun shiro
meong deun gaseum an go saneun geon neomu shiro
la la la ijen saranghal goya
nega cham joha neol saranghae
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae
eodu weotdeon nae salme barg eun bi chi dwe eo jul
ba ro geu sa lam neo yeosseu myeon johgesseo
saranghae neo man saranghal goya
ireon nae mam gan jig halgoya yeong weon hi
na do joha neo man ba la bol goya
u li duliseo ha na cheo reom
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae
romanized by: thedramaaddict @
둘이 하나 (Love Theme) (With 봉구 Of 길구봉구)-린(LYn)
Two As One (Love Theme) -- Lyn (with BongGu of GilGuBongGu)
어쩌다 이렇게 너를 만났을까 무슨 인연인지
What kind of fate is it to somehow meet you like this?
널 보면 볼수록 가슴이 뛰는 게 이상해져
It's strange that the more I see you, the faster my heart beats.
사랑일까 네가 너무 좋아져 두루두루룹
Is this love? I've grown so fond of you. Du lu du lu lup
그대는 이런 내 맘을 알고 있을까
Are you aware of these feelings of mine?
날씨가 좋으면 너의 손을 잡고 거릴 걷고 싶어
If the weather is good, I want to walk down the street holding your hand
비가 올 때면 너의 우산이 되고 싶어
If it rains, I want to be your umbrella
처음이야 설레이는 이 기분 라리라라라
It's the first time having this excited feeling la la la la la
말할까 이런 내 맘을 고백해볼까
Should I say it? Should I confess these feelings of mine?
야이야이야 이젠 눈물은 싫어
Ya-i ya-i ya I don't want any tears anymore
멍든 가슴 안고 사는 건 너무 싫어
I really don't want to live with a broken heart
라라라 이젠 사랑할 거야
la la la I will love you now
네가 참 좋아 널 사랑해
I really like you. I love you.
창가에 햇살이 살며시 들어와 아침을 부를 땐
When the sunlight quietly enters through the window for a morning call
내 귀를 감싸는 너의 목소릴 듣고 싶어
I want to hear your voice hovering around my ears
두근두근 떨려오는 이 기분 라라라라라
This trembling heart is going pit-a-pat la la la la la
오늘은 이런 내 맘을 고백해볼까
Shall I confess these feelings of mine today?
야이야이야 이젠 눈물은 싫어
Ya-i ya-i ya I don't want any tears anymore
멍든 가슴 안고 사는 건 너무 싫어
I really don't want to live with a broken heart
라라라 이젠 사랑할 거야
la la la I will love you now
네가 참 좋아 널 사랑해
I really like you. I love you.
사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
어두웠던 내 삶에 밝은 빛이 되어줄
Being a bright light to me living in the darkness
바로 그 사람 너였으면 좋겠어
I wish that person would be you
사랑해 너만 사랑할 거야
I love you. I'll love only you
이런 내 맘 간직할 거야 영원히
I will cherish these feelings of mine forever
나도 좋아 너만 바라볼 거야
I'd also like to look at only you
우리 둘이서 하나처럼
The two of us are like one
사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
credit: tryp96.tumblr
Shalala – Shin Mina
naneun utneun pyojeongi haessalboda nunbusyeo
naneun uneun pyojeongdo nuguboda nunmuri yeppeuge tteoreojil geot gatae
jinaganeun saramdeul dadeul naman chyeodabwa
hajiman neoegeman ireon moseup boillae neon jeongmal haenguneul gajyeosseo
syarallarara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syarallarara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bol geoya
naneun utneun pyojeongi haessalboda nunbusyeo
naneun uneun pyojeongdo nuguboda nunmuri yeppeuge tteoreojil geot gatae
syaral rarara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syaral rarara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bolgeoya
syaralla rara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul(nega namaneul) kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syaralla rara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bolgeoya
나는 웃는 표정이 햇살보다 눈부셔
나는 우는 표정도 누구보다 눈물이 예쁘게 떨어질 것 같애
지나가는 사람들 다들 나만 쳐다봐
하지만 너에게만 이런 모습 보일래 넌 정말 행운을 가졌어
샤랄라라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄라라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼 거야
나는 웃는 표정이 햇살보다 눈부셔
나는 우는 표정도 누구보다 눈물이 예쁘게 떨어질 것 같애
샤랄 라라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄 라라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼거야
샤랄라 라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을(네가 나만을) 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄라 라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼거야
credits: romanization, youtube
shared by junmiz@mycolorisland
No Min Woo – 덫 (동주 Theme) [Deot/Trap (Dong Joo Theme)]
지독하게…지울수록 퍼져가던 사랑아
Ji-dok-ha-ge… Ji-ul-su-rok peo-jyeo-ga-deon sa-rang-a
운명처럼 한곳만을 바라봤던 두 눈이
Un-myeong-cheo-reom han-got-man-eul ba-ra-bwatt-deon du nun-i
세상 앞에 얼음같던 나를 안던 손길이
Se-sang ap-e eol-eum-gat-deon na-reul an-deon son-gil-i
가슴 깊은 곳에 잠들어 내게 나를 가두고 나를 숨쉬게 하네
Ga-seum gip-eun gos-e jam-deul-eo nae-ge na-reul ga-du-go na-reul sum-swi-ge ha-ne
추억 깊은 곳에 찌들어 나의 아픔이 한숨이 눈물로 쬐어와
Chu-eok gip-eun gos-e jji-deul-eo na-eui a-peum-i han-sum-i nun-mul-ro jjoe-eo-wa
나를 떠나가지마 너를 보낼 수 없어
Na-reul ddeo-na-ga-ji-ma neo-reul bo-nael su eobs-eo
엇갈렸던 운명에 너의 손을 놓치고
Eot-gal-ryeott-deon un-myeong-e neo-eui son-eul noh-chi-go
매일 아프고 아프게 니 이름 불러봐
Mae-il a-peu-go a-peu-ge ni i-reum bul-ryeo-bwa
다른 사랑하지마 내가 여기 있잖아
Da-reun sa-rang-ha-ji-ma nae-ga yeo-gi itt-janh-a
너를 만난 그날로 수천번씩 돌아가
Neo-reul man-na geu-nal-ro su-cheon-beon-sshik dol-a-ga
너를 안아줄 안아줄 그날을 그려봐
Neo-reul an-a-jul an-a-jul geu-nal-eul geu-ryeo-bwa
운명처럼 너를 다시 보게 되는 오늘이
Un-myeong-cheo-reom neo-reul da-shi bo-ge doe-neun o-neul-i
말 못하고 먼지처럼 뒤엉켰던 말들이
Mal mot-ha-go meon-ji-cheo-reom dwi-eong-kyeott-deon mal-deul-i
가슴 깊은 곳에 잠들어 내게 나를 가두고 나를 숨쉬게 하네
Ga-seum gip-eun gos-e jam-deul-eo nae-ge na-reul ga-du-go na-reul sum-swi-ge ha-ne
추억 깊은 곳에 찌들어 나의 아픔이 한숨이 눈물로 쬐어와
Chu-eok gip-eun gos-e jji-deul-eo na-eui a-peum-i han-sum-i nun-mul-ro jjoe-eo-wa
나를 떠나가지마 너를 보낼 수 없어
Na-reul ddeo-na-ga-ji-ma neo-reul bo-nael su eobs-eo
엇갈렸던 운명에 너의 손을 놓치고
Eot-gal-ryeott-deon un-myeong-e neo-eui son-eul noh-chi-go
매일 아프고 아프게 니 이름 불러봐
Mae-il a-peu-go a-peu-go ni i-reum bol-ryeo-bwa
다른 사랑하지마 내가 여기 있잖아
Da-reun sa-rang-ha-ji-ma nae-ga yeo-gi itt-janh-a
너를 만난 그날로 수천번씩 돌아가
Neo-reul man-na geu-nal-ro su-cheon-beon-sshik dol-a-ga
너를 안아줄 안아줄 그날을 그려봐
Neo-reul an-a-jul an-a-jul geu-nal-eul geu-ryeo-bwa
Surprisingly, love that spreads as I erase it
Like fate, eyes watch only one place
You touched my heart that used to be ice in front of the world
Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe
Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears
Don’t leave me, I can’t let you go
Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand
I call your name in sadness everyday
Don’t love anyone else, I’m here
I go back to the day I met you several thousand times
Draw the day when I embrace you
Like fate, I meet you again on this day
The words I could not say and was clogged like dust
Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe
Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears
Don’t leave me, I can’t let you go
Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand
I call your name in sadness everyday
Don’t love anyone else, I’m here
I go back to the day I met you several thousand times
Draw the day when I embrace you
credit to : http://www.koreandra…umiho-ost-trap/ + bubblegumstars @ youtube
Shalala – Shin Mina
naneun utneun pyojeongi haessalboda nunbusyeo
naneun uneun pyojeongdo nuguboda nunmuri yeppeuge tteoreojil geot gatae
jinaganeun saramdeul dadeul naman chyeodabwa
hajiman neoegeman ireon moseup boillae neon jeongmal haenguneul gajyeosseo
syarallarara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syarallarara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bol geoya
naneun utneun pyojeongi haessalboda nunbusyeo
naneun uneun pyojeongdo nuguboda nunmuri yeppeuge tteoreojil geot gatae
syaral rarara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syaral rarara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bolgeoya
syaralla rara noraereul bureumyeo
naui ireumeul(nega namaneul) kkumkkwo bureumyeon
syaralla rara neomanui yeojaro
areumdapge neoman bolgeoya
나는 웃는 표정이 햇살보다 눈부셔
나는 우는 표정도 누구보다 눈물이 예쁘게 떨어질 것 같애
지나가는 사람들 다들 나만 쳐다봐
하지만 너에게만 이런 모습 보일래 넌 정말 행운을 가졌어
샤랄라라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄라라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼 거야
나는 웃는 표정이 햇살보다 눈부셔
나는 우는 표정도 누구보다 눈물이 예쁘게 떨어질 것 같애
샤랄 라라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄 라라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼거야
샤랄라 라라 노래를 부르며
나의 이름을(네가 나만을) 꿈꿔 부르면
샤랄라 라라 너만의 여자로
아름답게 너만 볼거야
credits: romanization, youtube
shared by junmiz@mycolorisland
No Min Woo – 덫 (동주 Theme) [Deot/Trap (Dong Joo Theme)]
지독하게…지울수록 퍼져가던 사랑아
Ji-dok-ha-ge… Ji-ul-su-rok peo-jyeo-ga-deon sa-rang-a
운명처럼 한곳만을 바라봤던 두 눈이
Un-myeong-cheo-reom han-got-man-eul ba-ra-bwatt-deon du nun-i
세상 앞에 얼음같던 나를 안던 손길이
Se-sang ap-e eol-eum-gat-deon na-reul an-deon son-gil-i
가슴 깊은 곳에 잠들어 내게 나를 가두고 나를 숨쉬게 하네
Ga-seum gip-eun gos-e jam-deul-eo nae-ge na-reul ga-du-go na-reul sum-swi-ge ha-ne
추억 깊은 곳에 찌들어 나의 아픔이 한숨이 눈물로 쬐어와
Chu-eok gip-eun gos-e jji-deul-eo na-eui a-peum-i han-sum-i nun-mul-ro jjoe-eo-wa
나를 떠나가지마 너를 보낼 수 없어
Na-reul ddeo-na-ga-ji-ma neo-reul bo-nael su eobs-eo
엇갈렸던 운명에 너의 손을 놓치고
Eot-gal-ryeott-deon un-myeong-e neo-eui son-eul noh-chi-go
매일 아프고 아프게 니 이름 불러봐
Mae-il a-peu-go a-peu-ge ni i-reum bul-ryeo-bwa
다른 사랑하지마 내가 여기 있잖아
Da-reun sa-rang-ha-ji-ma nae-ga yeo-gi itt-janh-a
너를 만난 그날로 수천번씩 돌아가
Neo-reul man-na geu-nal-ro su-cheon-beon-sshik dol-a-ga
너를 안아줄 안아줄 그날을 그려봐
Neo-reul an-a-jul an-a-jul geu-nal-eul geu-ryeo-bwa
운명처럼 너를 다시 보게 되는 오늘이
Un-myeong-cheo-reom neo-reul da-shi bo-ge doe-neun o-neul-i
말 못하고 먼지처럼 뒤엉켰던 말들이
Mal mot-ha-go meon-ji-cheo-reom dwi-eong-kyeott-deon mal-deul-i
가슴 깊은 곳에 잠들어 내게 나를 가두고 나를 숨쉬게 하네
Ga-seum gip-eun gos-e jam-deul-eo nae-ge na-reul ga-du-go na-reul sum-swi-ge ha-ne
추억 깊은 곳에 찌들어 나의 아픔이 한숨이 눈물로 쬐어와
Chu-eok gip-eun gos-e jji-deul-eo na-eui a-peum-i han-sum-i nun-mul-ro jjoe-eo-wa
나를 떠나가지마 너를 보낼 수 없어
Na-reul ddeo-na-ga-ji-ma neo-reul bo-nael su eobs-eo
엇갈렸던 운명에 너의 손을 놓치고
Eot-gal-ryeott-deon un-myeong-e neo-eui son-eul noh-chi-go
매일 아프고 아프게 니 이름 불러봐
Mae-il a-peu-go a-peu-go ni i-reum bol-ryeo-bwa
다른 사랑하지마 내가 여기 있잖아
Da-reun sa-rang-ha-ji-ma nae-ga yeo-gi itt-janh-a
너를 만난 그날로 수천번씩 돌아가
Neo-reul man-na geu-nal-ro su-cheon-beon-sshik dol-a-ga
너를 안아줄 안아줄 그날을 그려봐
Neo-reul an-a-jul an-a-jul geu-nal-eul geu-ryeo-bwa
Surprisingly, love that spreads as I erase it
Like fate, eyes watch only one place
You touched my heart that used to be ice in front of the world
Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe
Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears
Don’t leave me, I can’t let you go
Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand
I call your name in sadness everyday
Don’t love anyone else, I’m here
I go back to the day I met you several thousand times
Draw the day when I embrace you
Like fate, I meet you again on this day
The words I could not say and was clogged like dust
Sleeping deep inside of my heart you let me breathe
Coming deep inside of my memories you let my pain and sigh change to tears
Don’t leave me, I can’t let you go
Because of mixed fate, I lost your hand
I call your name in sadness everyday
Don’t love anyone else, I’m here
I go back to the day I met you several thousand times
Draw the day when I embrace you
credit to : http://www.koreandra…umiho-ost-trap/ + bubblegumstars @ youtube
Shin Mina – I Can Give it All
mollasseo maeumi apaogi jeonkkaji nan
sarangi meomuneun goseun gaseumsogiran geol
barabojiman nan geuriumman deouk keojyeo
jueodo jueodo mojaran geon wae geureolkka
badeungeon eomneunde ijen geudaega jeonbuya
dajul su isseo nan geudael wihan geoseun modu
barama bureowa nae sarang jeonhaedajuryeom naenimkke
eodiro gadeorado
meon hutnal na yeogi eobseodo jikyeomanjuryeom naenimeul
deoun nae sarangeuro
saranghae jungneunnalkkaji nan neol
honjado aswiun geosi eobseotdeon nainde
ijeneun geudaeman baralppun dareungeon hanado anboyeo
dahal su isseo nan? geudaegyeote meomundamyeon
harureul sarado geudaewa gachi hal suman itdamyeon
geugeomyeon dwae ?da pillyo eobseo
ijeya algesseo jeongmallo saneunge eotteon geosinji
geudaega naege jun seonmul
saranghae eonjekkajina nan neor
몰랐어 마음이 아파오기 전까지 난
사랑이 머무는 곳은 가슴속이란 걸
바라보지만 난 그리움만 더욱 커져
주어도 주어도 모자란 건 왜 그럴까
받은건 없는데 이젠 그대가 전부야
다줄 수 있어 난 그댈 위한 것은 모두
바람아 불어와 내 사랑 전해다주렴 내님께
어디로 가더라도
먼 훗날 나 여기 없어도 지켜만주렴 내님을
더운 내 사랑으로
사랑해 죽는날까지 난 널
혼자도 아쉬운 것이 없었던 나인데
이제는 그대만 바랄뿐 다른건 하나도 안보여
다할 수 있어 난? 그대곁에 머문다면
하루를 살아도 그대와 같이 할 수만 있다면
그거면 돼 ?다 필요 없어
이제야 알겠어 정말로 사는게 어떤 것인지
그대가 내게 준 선물
사랑해 언제까지나 난 널
Shin Mina – I Can Give it All
mollasseo maeumi apaogi jeonkkaji nan
sarangi meomuneun goseun gaseumsogiran geol
barabojiman nan geuriumman deouk keojyeo
jueodo jueodo mojaran geon wae geureolkka
badeungeon eomneunde ijen geudaega jeonbuya
dajul su isseo nan geudael wihan geoseun modu
barama bureowa nae sarang jeonhaedajuryeom naenimkke
eodiro gadeorado
meon hutnal na yeogi eobseodo jikyeomanjuryeom naenimeul
deoun nae sarangeuro
saranghae jungneunnalkkaji nan neol
honjado aswiun geosi eobseotdeon nainde
ijeneun geudaeman baralppun dareungeon hanado anboyeo
dahal su isseo nan? geudaegyeote meomundamyeon
harureul sarado geudaewa gachi hal suman itdamyeon
geugeomyeon dwae ?da pillyo eobseo
ijeya algesseo jeongmallo saneunge eotteon geosinji
geudaega naege jun seonmul
saranghae eonjekkajina nan neor
몰랐어 마음이 아파오기 전까지 난
사랑이 머무는 곳은 가슴속이란 걸
바라보지만 난 그리움만 더욱 커져
주어도 주어도 모자란 건 왜 그럴까
받은건 없는데 이젠 그대가 전부야
다줄 수 있어 난 그댈 위한 것은 모두
바람아 불어와 내 사랑 전해다주렴 내님께
어디로 가더라도
먼 훗날 나 여기 없어도 지켜만주렴 내님을
더운 내 사랑으로
사랑해 죽는날까지 난 널
혼자도 아쉬운 것이 없었던 나인데
이제는 그대만 바랄뿐 다른건 하나도 안보여
다할 수 있어 난? 그대곁에 머문다면
하루를 살아도 그대와 같이 할 수만 있다면
그거면 돼 ?다 필요 없어
이제야 알겠어 정말로 사는게 어떤 것인지
그대가 내게 준 선물
사랑해 언제까지나 난 널
Running Man (Variety - 2010)
Channel : SBS
Genre : Variety Show
Sunday at 17.20 pm (Korea Time) [starting in July 11th 2010]
Genre : Variety Show
Sunday at 17.20 pm (Korea Time) [starting in July 11th 2010]
✔Yu Jae Suk
✔Permanent Members:
✔Ji Suk Jin
✔Kim Jong Kook
✔LeeSsang’s Gary
✔Lee Kwang Soo
✔Song Joong Ki
✔Song Ji hyo
✔Yu Jae Suk
✔Permanent Members:
✔Ji Suk Jin
✔Kim Jong Kook
✔LeeSsang’s Gary
✔Lee Kwang Soo
✔Song Joong Ki
✔Song Ji hyo
SBS Running Man termasuk salah satu variety baru yang lagi booming saat ini. Mungkin karena ada Yoo Jae Suk di sini. Memang biasanya acara yang sibawakan Yoo Jae Sook itu seru. Sebut saja X Man, Family Outing, Come To Play, Victory & Defeat, Happy Together, Running Man, dll. Aku sendiri juga suka ma MC yang satu ini karena dia pinter dalam menghidupkan suasana dan bisa menghibur orang yang nonton. Kalo ngebandingin ma MC yang lain sepert Kang Ho Dong, Park Myung Soo, Kim Jae Dong, Ji Suk Jin, Lee Hwi Jae, dll, tetep Yoo Jae Sook adalah pilihanku. Hehe... Kaya lagi pemilihan caleg aja ya...
Member tetap Running Man adalah Yoo Jae Suk, Song Joong Ki, HaHa, Gerry (LeeSang), Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin, dan Song Ji Hyo. Alasan lain aku nonton variety ini karena ada si ganteng JoongKi, hehe... Di tiap episode nya akan ada 2-3 bintang tamu yang berbeda-beda. Nah Sekarang aku mau jelasin permainan di Running Man ini.
Member Running Man ada 10 orang yang nantinya akan di buat 2 kelompok yang masing-masing berjumlah 5 orang. Biasanya lokasi shootingnya di sebuah gedung yang besar dan di saat sepi yaitu saat gedung itu tutup, sekitar jam 8 malam sampai jam 8 pagi. Contohnya seperti Mall, Stadion, Museum, Gedung Concert, dll. Sepertinya acara ini juga bertujuan mempromosikan tempat-tempat tersebut deh.
Selama bermain di Running Man ini, pintu keluar akan ditutup semua sehingga mereka tidak bisa keluar. Kedua tim ini akan mendapatkan suatu misi. Dan tim yang menang akan dapat pulang ke rumah nya masing-masing lebih dulu sedangkan tim yang kalah harus melaksanakan hukuman. Misinya macam-macam. Tapi yang paling sering adalah main petak umpet. Aku ga nyangka main petak umpet akan seseru ini. Jadi salah satu tim akan mendapatkan misi mencabut namtag lawan dan orang yang namtagnya sudah tercabut tidak boleh ikut permainan. Sedangkan pihak lawan mendapat misi mencari suatu benda dalam jumlah yang telah ditentukan. Misalnya namanya Tim A dan Tim B. Jika Tim A berhasil mendapatkan semua namtag Tim B maka Tim A menang. Tapi kalau Tim B berhasil menemukan semua benda yang dicari tanpa tertangkap oleh Tim A maka Tim B yang menang. Ngerti ga? hehe... maaf kalo penjelasannya rada ngebingungin. OIya, serunya lagi Tim yang tugasnya menangkap Tim lawan di beri lonceng pada sepatunya, jadi Tim lawan bisa menghindar kalo denger suara bell. Menegangkan deh. Seru.
Nah, biasanya abis main petak umpet, mereka istirahat dulu. Istirahat nya juga ada game nya. Karena shootingnya malam sampe pagi, jadi mereka ga tidur dan biar mereka seger lagi makanya ada game ini. Aku lupa nama game ini apa, yang jelas di game ini pesertanya minum kopi, atau teh. Tapi ga cuma sekedar minum loh. Jadi akan disediakan berbagai sendok yang di beri nomer dan tiap peserta akan memilih sedok itu untuk menentukan jumlah kopi yang akan diminum. Dan Mereka pilih secara acark, jadi mereka ga tau sendok yang mereka pilih. Sendoknya macam-macam loh. Ada sendok nasi, sendok sayur, bahkan ada sendok semen. Bayangin aja minum kopi yang jumlah kopinya tuh 1 sendok nasi. Dan ga cuma kopi aja yang nentuin jumlahnya seperti itu. Gula juga. Terus kadang teh juga, aku lupa nama minumannya, yang jelas minumnya tuh pake kuning telur atau lemon. Nah, nentuin jumlah kuning telor dan lemonnya juga seperti itu. Kebanyang dong rasanya yang ga karuan. Terus, setelah semua sudah memilih nomer, selanjutnya adalah lomba minum. Tim yang waktu minumnya lebih cepat yang menang.
Ada lagi game di running man yang seru. Yaitu Photo Shot. Gamenya cuma foto aja sih, tapi seru. Tim yang paling banyak terlihat mukanya di foto adalah tim yang menang. Serunya tuh mereka akan saling dorong atau saling nutupin muka lawan. Lucu deh.
Game-game dia atas hanya sebagian dari game-game yang ada di Running Man dan semua game itu seru-seru. Tiap tim yang menang game akan di beri sebuah bola Running Man dan nantinya bola ini akan dikumpulkan jadi satu dan dikocok, bola yang keluar pertama, itulah yang dapat keluar dari gedung terlebih dahulu, sedang yang kalah harus menjalankan hukuman. Hukumannya macam-macam loh, kadang di coret-coret mukanya dan di suruh pulang naik bus atau kereta agar orang-orang bisa liat mukanya itu, atau kadang di suruh pake hotpant atau celana yang ketat n super pendek. Kalau yang make cewek sih seksi, coba bayangin kalo yg make kumpulan para cowok apalagi cowok itu Kim Jong Kook yang berbadan keker, hahaha...lucu banget deh.
Member tetap Running Man adalah Yoo Jae Suk, Song Joong Ki, HaHa, Gerry (LeeSang), Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin, dan Song Ji Hyo. Alasan lain aku nonton variety ini karena ada si ganteng JoongKi, hehe... Di tiap episode nya akan ada 2-3 bintang tamu yang berbeda-beda. Nah Sekarang aku mau jelasin permainan di Running Man ini.
Member Running Man ada 10 orang yang nantinya akan di buat 2 kelompok yang masing-masing berjumlah 5 orang. Biasanya lokasi shootingnya di sebuah gedung yang besar dan di saat sepi yaitu saat gedung itu tutup, sekitar jam 8 malam sampai jam 8 pagi. Contohnya seperti Mall, Stadion, Museum, Gedung Concert, dll. Sepertinya acara ini juga bertujuan mempromosikan tempat-tempat tersebut deh.
Selama bermain di Running Man ini, pintu keluar akan ditutup semua sehingga mereka tidak bisa keluar. Kedua tim ini akan mendapatkan suatu misi. Dan tim yang menang akan dapat pulang ke rumah nya masing-masing lebih dulu sedangkan tim yang kalah harus melaksanakan hukuman. Misinya macam-macam. Tapi yang paling sering adalah main petak umpet. Aku ga nyangka main petak umpet akan seseru ini. Jadi salah satu tim akan mendapatkan misi mencabut namtag lawan dan orang yang namtagnya sudah tercabut tidak boleh ikut permainan. Sedangkan pihak lawan mendapat misi mencari suatu benda dalam jumlah yang telah ditentukan. Misalnya namanya Tim A dan Tim B. Jika Tim A berhasil mendapatkan semua namtag Tim B maka Tim A menang. Tapi kalau Tim B berhasil menemukan semua benda yang dicari tanpa tertangkap oleh Tim A maka Tim B yang menang. Ngerti ga? hehe... maaf kalo penjelasannya rada ngebingungin. OIya, serunya lagi Tim yang tugasnya menangkap Tim lawan di beri lonceng pada sepatunya, jadi Tim lawan bisa menghindar kalo denger suara bell. Menegangkan deh. Seru.
Nah, biasanya abis main petak umpet, mereka istirahat dulu. Istirahat nya juga ada game nya. Karena shootingnya malam sampe pagi, jadi mereka ga tidur dan biar mereka seger lagi makanya ada game ini. Aku lupa nama game ini apa, yang jelas di game ini pesertanya minum kopi, atau teh. Tapi ga cuma sekedar minum loh. Jadi akan disediakan berbagai sendok yang di beri nomer dan tiap peserta akan memilih sedok itu untuk menentukan jumlah kopi yang akan diminum. Dan Mereka pilih secara acark, jadi mereka ga tau sendok yang mereka pilih. Sendoknya macam-macam loh. Ada sendok nasi, sendok sayur, bahkan ada sendok semen. Bayangin aja minum kopi yang jumlah kopinya tuh 1 sendok nasi. Dan ga cuma kopi aja yang nentuin jumlahnya seperti itu. Gula juga. Terus kadang teh juga, aku lupa nama minumannya, yang jelas minumnya tuh pake kuning telur atau lemon. Nah, nentuin jumlah kuning telor dan lemonnya juga seperti itu. Kebanyang dong rasanya yang ga karuan. Terus, setelah semua sudah memilih nomer, selanjutnya adalah lomba minum. Tim yang waktu minumnya lebih cepat yang menang.
Ada lagi game di running man yang seru. Yaitu Photo Shot. Gamenya cuma foto aja sih, tapi seru. Tim yang paling banyak terlihat mukanya di foto adalah tim yang menang. Serunya tuh mereka akan saling dorong atau saling nutupin muka lawan. Lucu deh.
Game-game dia atas hanya sebagian dari game-game yang ada di Running Man dan semua game itu seru-seru. Tiap tim yang menang game akan di beri sebuah bola Running Man dan nantinya bola ini akan dikumpulkan jadi satu dan dikocok, bola yang keluar pertama, itulah yang dapat keluar dari gedung terlebih dahulu, sedang yang kalah harus menjalankan hukuman. Hukumannya macam-macam loh, kadang di coret-coret mukanya dan di suruh pulang naik bus atau kereta agar orang-orang bisa liat mukanya itu, atau kadang di suruh pake hotpant atau celana yang ketat n super pendek. Kalau yang make cewek sih seksi, coba bayangin kalo yg make kumpulan para cowok apalagi cowok itu Kim Jong Kook yang berbadan keker, hahaha...lucu banget deh.
Running Man: List of episodes and Summaries E01-E17
Ep 1: July 11, 2010
Guests: Lee Hyo-ri, Hwang Jung-eum
Landmark: Times Square(Yeongdeungpo-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Expensive Team(Yu Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-su, Song Joong-ki, Hwang Jung-eum); Cheap Team(Ji Suk-jin, Ha-ha, Gary, Lee Hyo-ri)
Ep 2, 3: July 18, 2010, July 25, 2010
Guests: Lee Chun-hee, Goo Hara(Kara), Song Ji-hyo
Landmark: Suwon World Cup Stadium(Paldal-gu, Suwon,Gyeonggi-do)
Teams: Away Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ha-ha, Lee Kwang-su, Gary, Song Ji-hyo; Home Team(Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Joong-ki, Lee Chun-hee, Goo Ha-ra)
Ep 4, 5: August 1, 2010, August 8, 2010
Guests: Nichkhun (2PM), Jessica(Girls' Generation), Song Ji-hyo
Landmark: National Science Museum(Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do)
Teams: Adult Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-su, Song Ji-hyo, Nichkhun); Child Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Song Joong-ki, Jessica)
Ep 6: August 15, 2010
Guests: Se7en, Son Dam-bi, Kim Shin-young
Landmark: N Seoul Tower(Jung-gu, Seoul)
Teams: Adult Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-su, Se7en, Son Dam-bi); Child Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Song Joong-ki, Kim Shin-young)
Ep 7: August 22, 2010
Guests: Jo Kwon (2AM), Jung Yong-hwa (CN Blue), Eun-jeong (T-ara)
Landmark: Sejong Center for the Performing Arts(Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Teams: Blue Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-su, Song Ji-hyo, Jung Yong-hwa, Jo Kwon); Red Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Song Joong-ki, Eun-jeong)
Ep 8: August 29, 2010
Guests: Lee Joon (MBLAQ), Victoria(f(x)), Park Jun-gyu Seou
Landmark: Museum of History, Gyeonghui Palace(Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Teams: Blue Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-su, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Joon); Red Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Park Jun-gyu, Victoria)
Ep 9: September 5, 2010
Guests: Lee Hong-ki (FT Island), Kim Soo-ro, Shin Bong-sun
Landmark: Lotte World(Sincheon-dong,Songpa-gu, Seoul)
Teams: Blue Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Soo-ro, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kwang-su); Red Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Lee Hong-ki, Shin Bong-sun)
Ep 10: September 12, 2010
Guests: Cha Tae-hyun, Yoon Se-ah
Landmark: National Museum of Contemporary Art(Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do)
Teams: Blue Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Cha Tae-hyun, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kwang-su); Red Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Song Joong-ki, Yoon Se-ah)
Ep 11: September 19, 2010
Guests: Kim Jae-dong, Jung Yong-hwa (CN Blue)
Landmark: Seoul Central Post Office(Jung-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Blue Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Jung Yong-hwa, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kwang-su); Red Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Kim Jae-dong)
Ep 12: September 26, 2010
Landmark: Seoul Design Fair @ Seoul Olympic Stadium(Songpa-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kwang-su, Song Joong-ki); Chasing Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary)
Ep 13: October 3, 2010
Guests: Lizzy (After School), Jang Dong-min
Landmark: SBS Broadcasting Center(Mok-dong,Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kwang-su, Lizzy); Chasing Team(Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary, Jang Dong-min)
Ep 14: October 17, 2010
Landmark: Boramae Safety Experience Center(Dongjak-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team(Kim Jong-kook, Song Joong-ki, Lee Kwang-su, Ha-ha, Lizzy); Chasing Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Gary, Song Ji-hyo)
Ep 15: October 24, 2010
Guests: Tony Ahn, Kim Kwang-kyu
Landmark: Seoul Metro(Seocho-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Tony Ahn, Kim Kwang-kyu); Chasing Team(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Ha-ha, Song Joong-ki, Lee Kwang-su )
Ep 16: October 31, 2010
Guests: Yuri (SNSD)
Landmark: Yongsan Station(Yongsan-gu,Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team(Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-su, Ha-ha, Song Joong-ki, Yuri); Chasing Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Gary, Song Ji-hyo)
Ep 17: November 7, 2010
Guests: Jung Yong-hwa (CN Blue)
Landmark: Himeji Castle(Himeji, Japan)
Teams: Mission Team(Yu Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-su, Ha-ha, Song Joong-ki); Chasing Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Gary, Song Ji-hyo, Jung Yong-hwa)
Ep 18: November 21, 2010
Guests: None, Lizzy's first episode as a perm member
Landmark: Busan International Cruise Ship (Haeundae-gu,Busan)
Teams: Mission Team (Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Song Joong-ki, Lee Kwang-su, Lizzy)
: Chasing Team (Kim Jong-kook, Ha-ha, Gary)
Mission: Individually earn Running Balls
Ep 19: November 28, 2010
Guests: Nichkhun (2PM)
Landmark: Namsangol Hanok Village(Jung-gu, Seoul)
Teams: Mission Team (u Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Gary, Ha-ha, Lee Kwang-su, Song Joong-ki, Song Ji-hyo, Lizzy, Nichkhun)
Chasing Team (Kim Jong-kook)
Note: Kim Jong-kook vs. The Rest
Ep 20: December 3, 2010
Guests: Kim Heechul (Super Junior)
Teams: Mission Team(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Ha-ha, Lee Kwang-su, Song Ji-hyo)
Chasing Team(Yu Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Joong-ki, Lizzy, Kim Hee-chul)
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